Sunday, November 15, 2015


National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day - November 15


National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day is observed annually on November 15. Get together a soap and hot water filled bucket, disinfectant, a sponge and a garbage bag, and you are ready for the day!

The timing is perfect for this day as Thanksgiving is coming soon. We will need room for all of the upcoming leftovers.  This job may be dreaded by many, but it is an important task none the less.  Due to our hectic and busy lifestyles, the cleaning of the refrigerator gets neglected, hence the creation of National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day.  There may be a surprise or two found at the back of the shelves. Things are often pushed back as new food is put in the front and gets forgotten.
Some suggestions for your refrigeration cleaning are:
  • Empty each shelf.
  • Completely wipe down the inside of refrigerator.
  • Wash drawers and underneath the drawers.
  • Throw away all expired food.
  • Throw away any moldy food.
  • Get rid of anything that you do not use.
  • Vacuum condenser coils.
  • Vacuum out under refrigerator.
  • Restock shelves and drawers with good food.
  • Enjoy your nice, clean, organized refrigerator.
Use #CleanOutYourRefrigeratorDay to post on social media.
Our research has found that National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day was created by the home economists at Whirlpool Home Appliances in 1999.  It is said that they created the holiday to encourage people to clean out their refrigerator in advance of the upcoming holidays.  At that time, the company even had a toll-free hotline that people could call into for cleaning tips.
National Bundt Day - November 15
National Bundt Day – November 15


National Bundt Day, also known as National Bundt Cake Day is celebrated every year on November 15.   As people across the United States are planning their menu for the upcoming holidays, a bundt cake is sure to be on the list at least once.
A bundt cake can be any cake that is baked in a Bundt pan, forming it into a distinctive ring shape.  The shape of the Bundt pan was originally inspired by the traditional European fruit cake known as Gugelhupf.   It was in the 1950s and 1960s that the style of mold was popularized after cookware manufacturer Nordic Ware trademarked the name “Bundt” and started producing Bundt pans made from cast aluminum.  There are similar pans that are sold as “fluted tube pans” or other similar names.
Due to the difficulty frosting a ring shaped cake, bundt cakes are typically served undecorated, glazed or dusted with powdered sugar.
In the beginning, the Bundt pan did not sell well and Nordic Ware considered discontinuing it.  Then in the 1963  New Good Housekeeping Cookbook, the Bundt pan was mentioned and sales increased.  In 1966, sales really increased when a Bundt cake called the “Tunnel of Fudge”, baked by Ella Helfrich, took second place at the annual Pillsbury Bake-Off and she was awarded a $5,000.00 prize.  The publicity from the Bake-Off resulted in more than 200,000 Bundt pan requests.
Nordic Ware has sold more than 60 million Bundt pans across North America.
Get out your Bundt Pan and make a cake. Use #NationalBundtDay to post on social media.
To mark the 60th anniversary of the Bundt pan, the company designated November 15 as National Bundt Day.
National Raisin Bran Cereal Day - November 15
National Raisin Bran Cereal Day – November 15


National Raisin Bran Cereal Day is observed and enjoyed each year on November 15.
Since 1926, raisin bran cereal has been manufactured by a number of different companies under a variety of brand names, including Kellogg’s Raisin Bran, General Mills, Total Raisin Bran and Ralcorp’s Post Raisin Bran.  U.S. Mills introduced Skinner’s Raisin Bran to the United States in 1926, which was the first brand on the market.
A good source of dietary fiber, raisin bran cereal is the star of the day, not just at breakfast but all day, on National Raisin Bran Cereal Day.
Enjoy a big bowl of raisin bran cereal and use #RaisinBranCerealDay to post on social media.
Our research was unable to find the creator of National Raisin Bran Cereal Day.
America Recycles Day - November 15
America Recycles Day – November 15


Each year on November 15, millions of people across the United States take part in America Recycles Day, a day which was created to raise awareness about recycling and the purchasing of recycled products.
For more information see the America Recycles Day website.
Presidential Proclamation — America Recycles Day, 2014
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As a Nation, we must do all we can to leave the next generation a cleaner, safer, and more stable world.  America’s young people are tomorrow’s environmental stewards, and it is our responsibility to instill in them a conservation ethic.  Recycling reduces our country’s energy consumption, decreases our greenhouse gas emissions, and conserves our natural resources, and it is one of the first steps we can teach our children and grandchildren to take as part of their everyday lives.  It also creates green jobs in America and provides essential resources to our growing manufacturing sector.  Today, we recognize the environmental and economic benefits that recycling produces, and we celebrate all those who do their part to build a more prosperous and sustainable future.
Americans generate approximately 250 million tons of municipal solid waste every year.  But more of this trash — from our homes, workplaces, and classrooms — could be recycled or reused.  Individuals can compost their food waste and donate items that are no longer needed.  The choices we make as we shop can also help reduce waste.  Families and individuals can buy products that use less packaging, purchase goods made with recycled resources, and avoid disposable materials whenever possible.  To discover additional ways to shrink your environmental footprint and to learn how and where to properly recycle common and uncommon household goods, visit
Every American, every business, and every community can play a role in increasing the rate of recycling.  In small towns and big cities, recycling programs are making a difference, and State and local governments can continue to do their part by promoting these programs, making them convenient, and continuing to invest in their recycling infrastructure.  The Federal Government is leading by example, working to reduce our environmental impact.  And as American businesses continue to innovate, they too can find new ways to reflect their commitment to recycling in their bottom line.
The actions we take today will determine what kind of world we will pass on to our Nation’s young people.  On America Recycles Day, we embrace our role not only as custodians of the present, but also as caretakers of tomorrow.  Let us resolve to act boldly in the face of great challenge and encourage our friends, neighbors, and colleagues to join in the work of protecting our planet.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 15, 2014, as America Recycles Day.  I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate programs and activities, and I encourage all Americans to continue their reducing, reusing, and recycling efforts throughout the year.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand fourteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-ninth.
Recycle, buy recycled goods and help teach others the benefits of recycling and continue to do so each day! Use #AmericaRecyclesDay to post on social media.
America Recycles Day was started in 1997 by the National Recycling Coalition and is declared each year, by Presidential Proclamation, encouraging Americans to commit to recycling.   Since 2009, this day has been a program of Keep America Beautiful.  There are thousands of events that are held across the United States to raise awareness about the importance of recycling and offering personal pledges that can be signed, committing to recycling and buying products made from recycled materials.

National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day November 15
National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day November 15


National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day is observed annually on November 15.
Today honors an old-fashioned cookie spiced with cinnamon, cloves, allspice and/or nutmeg and filled with raisins, nuts and dates.
Hermit cookies originated in the New England area. In 1880 the young ladies of the Trinity Church, Plattsburgh, New York published the cookbook Champlain Valley Book of Recipes with a Hermits recipe. This was a local cookbook in it’s 3rd edition suggesting it was first printed a year or two earlier. Soft and chewy, these cookies are sure to put a smile on the face of all who taste them.
Enjoy this  Hermit Cookies recipeUse #SpicyHermitCookieDay to post on social media.
Within our research we were unable to find the creator of National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day.

National Philanthropy Day - November 15
National Philanthropy Day – November 15


National Philanthropy Day is observed annually on November 15.  
Philanthropists are honored for their many great contributions, help and good deeds and for the differences that they have made in our lives and in our communities.
“Philanthropy etymologically means “love of humanity” in the sense of caring for, nourishing, developing, and enhancing “what it is to be human” on both the benefactors’ (by identifying and exercising their values in giving and volunteering) and beneficiaries’ (by benefiting) parts.” (Wikipedia)
There are instances of philanthropy that can overlap with instances of charity.  The difference is that charity relieves the pains of social problems, whereas philanthropy attempts to solve those problems at their root causes.
Use #NationalPhilanthropyDay to post on social media.
National Philanthropy Day was created by the Association of Fundraising Professionals in 1985.

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