Thursday, December 17, 2015

Let us not forget, how cold blooded she can be, talk about being one of Pomona's useless council members

POMONA - A councilwoman's theft charge for allegedly stealing a campaign sign has been reduced from a misdemeanor to an infraction.
With the charge reduced, Pomona Councilwoman Ginna Escobar faces a maximum penalty of a $250 fine. She does not face jail time if convicted of theft as an infraction, which is the same charge level as a speeding or littering ticket. Escobar, 24, is accused of stealing a campaign sign on Election Day in November belonging to Carlos Goytia, a board member at the Three Valleys Municipal Water District. A prosecutor said Tuesday that he refiled the case against Escobar as an infraction on March 2, because the sign she allegedly stole is worth only $5 - placing the item within the $50 limit for an infraction. "Because of the value of the property, we typically file those as an infraction," said Deputy District Attorney James C. Daloisio. Daloisio said he initially filed the case as a misdemeanor because Escobar faced the prospect of an additional charge for trespassing. The prosecutor said he completed a follow-up investigation and decided not to file another count against Escobar. A man with Escobar trespassed onto private property in the course of the alleged theft, not Escobar, Daloisio said. A trial in Escobar's case was set Tuesday for April 5 at 1:30 p.m. in Pomona Superior Court. The case will be heard by a judge, not a jury, and will likely take only about two hours, Daloisio said. Escobar, a former Miss Pomona, represents District 5, which includes the Phillips Ranch and Westmont neighborhoods.

Let's vote the thief out of our government, vote NO! on this criminal. In our next election, and that's coming real soon. Pomona deservers better, then this. Again VOTE NO!

Stupid is, is what stupid does.

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