Monday, December 21, 2015

S.S. Pomona Shipwreck Project

The steamship Pomona ran aground on March 17, 1908 while on a routine trip near Fort Ross Cove, 80 miles north of San Franciso. Built in 1888 by the Union Iron Works of San Francisco, the Pomona is perhaps California's best representation of 19th century steam ferry transportation along the Pacific Coast.
Indiana University, in cooperation with the California State Park System, is involved in ongoing research and investigation of the SS Pomona shipwreck at Fort Ross State Historic Park.
In August 1998, site survey and archival research were conducted on the site by Indiana University and California State Parks. The goal of the survey was to assess the site as to its archeological value and viability for possible establishment of an unde rwater park. A detailed site report contains background information regarding the ship's history, updated site plan and description and analysis of sites features such as the Scotch boiler, and the Carnegie fire brick.
During August 2000 field project at the Pomona, Indiana University placed a spar marker buoy on the site, developed a prototype underwater guide, video documented the site and its surroundings and analyzed possible locations of a land based observation point.

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