Thursday, December 17, 2015

This morning

Yeah, when I opened my gates this morning, I found a pile of more cloths. What's a person going to do.
Well I know what I'm going to do, is to vote this city council person member out of office, in the next election.
This is just getting out of control, if they couldn't think by now, how to fix the problem. then I'm not going to have much luck, if they are voted back in.
And if you, out there feel the same, then get out and vote, We can turn Pomona around, by voting these people out of office.
Let's start at the top, and work our way down and get rid of the ones you just want a pay check and turn a blind eye, to these type of issues.
So join me, in voting the next coming elections, to change Pomona's government leaders.
For a Better Pomona
I'm Ren and I approve this message.

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