Friday, August 25, 2017

Citywide Yard Sales 2017, It's true that one person's trash is another person's treasure! And a yard sale is the ideal way to recycle your formerly favorite items.

It's true that one person's trash is another person's treasure! And a yard sale is the ideal way to recycle your formerly favorite items.

Yard Sales are only allowed on designated weekends in the City of Pomona.  In 2017 yard sales are permissible only on the following dates:
  • September 8, 9, and 10 (2nd weekend due to Labor Day); and
  • December 1, 2, and 3.
Some important guidelines:

  • Items for sale must be used goods or wares of a household nature (from your household) and not purchased elsewhere for resale.
  • Two signs are permitted (per household) and must be posted on private property & promptly removed after the sale days.
  • Signs may not be posted on public property (for example, telephone poles, streetlights, traffic signs or city trees)
  • Violation of the City's yard sale ordinance or posting illegal signage on public property will result in a citation and fine.

For more info, contact the Development Services Department Code Compliance Unit at 909-620-2374.

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