Sunday, January 14, 2018

A look into what was and what is today

"Holt Ave./Garvey over Kellogg Hill, Elephant Hill, Valley Blvd. behind Elephant Hill, Old Brea Canyon, Mission in foreground (5th St.), railroad." 9-13-1946

Ren's Note: You see that white spot, that's where Mission Blvd. and the 71 meet. And the walnut grove on the right is where General Dynamics will be built and Second St. is just north of Mission Blvd.. And a bit further west, the light spot on the hill, is where the dog pound will be. And above that, is where the police shooting range, will also be built.

Well today I was down on West Second St. (dumpster diving lol) the first picture is looking toward the 71 freeway.
But what I wanted to show is this curb, which was put in place in 1926, by the Callahan Contractors. 
So this curb was in place way before that old picture was taken in 1946. This curb ran along the walnut groves that use to be here, so it's like 80+ some years old or something like that.
Well I thought I would share this with you, our history his is everywhere, even if it's just an old curb, I'm sure this curb has some stories to tell.
You might see some white paint on the curb, in the first picture, that's where the unloading area for people being dropped off, at General Dynamics. Just a little bit more of "What was here and what is here today" 

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