Monday, January 8, 2018

Gibson & Young Blacksmiths 11/26/1888

Pomona E. Second between Locust and Gibbs Nov. 26, 1888 Later moved to 1st and Thomas opposite the Pomona Bank Mule drawn trolley car at far right? Gift of Mrs. T. J. Dowling June 12, 1916 -- 60 years ago November 26, 1888 Altogether 57,000 pounds of raisins have been shipped eastward from Pomona this season. The blacksmithing firm of Gibson & Young has been notified to get new quarters for their shop, and they are now building one in the corner of 1st and Thomas streets (opposite the Pomona Bank) will soon be occupied by a handso[illegible] brick bloc, to be erected by [illegible]eller who has owned [illegible] two years.

Ren's Note: Check out the trolley to your right of the picture. I think those are mules pulling the trolley.

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