Monday, January 8, 2018

Our city just stabbed the good people of Pomona in the back

 By making the city of Pomona a Sanctuary City, you just stabbed the good people of Pomona in the back. 
Making a safe place for criminals to live, and continue with crimes and drive byes.
Let me make one thing clear, I'm all for helping people to become U.S. citizens.
But what I'm not into is breaking the law, and putting the good people of Pomona in danger.
I voted for the new mayor and new council members, in hoping they would put a stop to all these shootings and other crimes. 
But instead they gave them a safe place to hide and continue with their crimes. And at the same time stabbed the good people in the back. If I knew  that the mayor was going to break the law, hell I would of ran for mayor.
And you might as well forget about getting any money from the our government. To help out with repaving our streets or any other help we need to fix our city.
We the people of Pomona are law biding citizens and our city official's should be also. 
They are sending a bad message, that if your a city official, you can break the law to protect criminal's. And our the laws in U.S. don't mean a damn thing, even if means putting other people in arms way.
Again let me make one thing clear, I'm all for helping people to become U.S. citizens.
But what I'm not into is breaking the law.
And that's what our city official's did, they broke the law, I myself can not support anyone who breaks the law, and to top it off, put other peoples lives in danger.
And it should be the criminal's that get the handcuffs, not our police. Because now they have their hands tied, so they can't do their job.
Let our government know that we the people, who we voted you in, are not going to take this horse hockey  laying down.
Time will tell, next time we vote, who stays and who goes.
My folks taught me, to be a leader, not a follower.
Didn't your folks?. well I guess not!.

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