Saturday, January 6, 2018

Ren's Then and Now Dec. 1956 looking East on West Second St. the cross street is White Ave.

I remember when it use to look like this back when I was growing up. I would go along with my folks to do some Christmas shopping. And in weather like this sometimes, running for cover from the rain. 

Now today, things have changed a bit. the Owl Drug Store is no longer there, just a parking lot takes it's place.
I do remember, for a long time, the entrance was right where that tree is today. And it the entrance there on the ground right be fore you walk in was an Owl sitting on top of a glass beaker

Something like this, but it was made of small tile pieces and stayed there for years, after the drug store was gone. Until one day they started to improve the parking lot. Out went the Owl and in came in the planter, where the Owl use to be. It was really cool looking, it would of been nice if they would of kept it. But it seems like they don't think of things like keeping it, just rip it out.
It was a great piece of art.


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