Sunday, December 20, 2015


National Sangria Day - December 20

                                          NATIONAL SANGRIA DAY

Across the nation each year on December 20, National Sangria Day is observed by enjoying a well mixed sangria.
Sangria is a beverage made with wine and sweetened with fresh fruit and fruit juices. Other ingredients can include herbs, spices, carbonation and liquor.
The combinations are endless, giving sangria a place at in the cocktail rotation year round. Refreshing and light during hot summer months, bright and sparkling during the winter ones, this fruity punch is quite versatile.
Sangria made with white wine is called sangria blanca.
Use fresh fruit in season for the best flavors. Once mixed, sangria should be chilled and the fruits allowed to marinate a few hours or overnight.
nature made
nature made
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Try these sangria recipes:
Red Sangria
Winter Sangria
Use #NationalSangriaDay to post on social media.
Within our research we were unable to identify the creator of National Sangria Day.  
Mudd Day - December 20
Mudd Day – December 20


Mudd Day is observed annually on December 20th, the birthday of Dr. Samuel Mudd.
After assassinating Lincoln on April 14, 1865, Booth rode with co-conspirator David Herold to Mudd’s home in the early hours of the 15th for surgery on his fractured leg, before crossing into Virginia. Some time that day, Mudd must have learned of the assassination, but did not report Booth’s visit to the authorities for another 24 hours. This appeared to link him to the crime, as did his various changes of story under interrogation, and on April 26, he was arrested. A military commission found him guilty of aiding and conspiring in a murder, and he was sentenced to life imprisonment, escaping the death penalty by a single vote.
Mudd was pardoned by President Andrew Johnson and released from prison in 1869. Despite repeated attempts by family members and others to have it expunged, his conviction has never been overturned.
Dr. Mudd’s name has been dragged through the mud since his sentencing giving the term “your name is mud” a whole new meaning.
Use #MuddDay to post on social media.
Within our research we were unable to identify the origin of Mudd Day.
Also on National Day Calendar
Today is also International Human Solidarity Day.  For more information on this day visit the National Day Calendar page for International Human Solidarity Day.

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