Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Ren's Wayback
Mom use to work there back in the 60's back then it was called Blue Seal Laundry, this was located on the southeast corner of Commercial and Palomares St. it also had this steam whistle that would blow at lunch time. To let all of Pomona that it was high noon. We use to live on Monterey St. just like a half a block from it and it was loud.
Ren's Wayback
Presented by WorldWide
Theatricals, tickets to the 8 p.m. concert are $38.50-$75 and are available at,, and the theater box
office at (909) 885-5152.
In the 1950's Ray Charles became an architect of soul
music by bringing the fervor and dynamics of gospel to secular subjects. But he
soon broke through any categories. By singing many songs he prized -- from
''Hallelujah I Love Her So'' to ''Georgia on My Mind'' to ''America the
Beautiful'' -- Mr. Charles claimed all of American music as his birth right.
His influence echoes through generations of rock and soul singers. Ray Charles,
the piano man with the bluesy voice who reshaped American music. Join us in a
musical celebration of one of the most iconic artists of all time known simply
as RAY.
WHEN: 8 p.m. May 25,
WHERE: California Theatre of
the Performing Arts, 562 W. Fourth St., San Bernardino.
ADMISSION: $38.50-$75
That Tima Again
At 2 a.m. local time Sunday, daylight saving time, that harbinger of spring, arrives with the promise of longer, light-filled days well into the evening.
Turn that clock ahead — remember, spring forward — before heading to bed Saturday night to avoid the panic of rising later than you think.
Not every place makes the switch, though. Hawaii, Arizona outside the Navajo Indian territories, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Marianas stay on standard time, which returns for the rest of us Nov. 4, two days before election time.
Officials Offer Halloween Safety Tips
• Wear a costume that is easily seen by others, especially motorists, and is easy to walk in.
• Avoid costumes with billowy, long-trailing fabric that can easily ignite or be a tripping hazard.
• Make sure masks fit properly and eye holes are large enough to easily see out.
• Consider wearing facial make-up instead.
Candles and Decorations
Halloween is one of the top five days of the year when candles are used, and according to the National Fire Protection Association, candles cause about 15,000 house fires each year, more than 1,200 serious injuries, close to 200 deaths and $450 million in property damage.
• Always use caution with candles and never leave lit candles unattended.
• Dried flowers, cornstalks and crepe paper are highly flammable. Keep these and other decorations well away from open flames and heat sources, including light bulbs and heaters.
• Keep all exists clear of decorations and have a fire extinguisher nearby.
• Consider using flashlights or battery-operated candles instead.
• Light candles inside Jack o’ Lanterns with long, fireplace-style matches or utility lighters.
• Make sure children are watched at all times when around lit candles. Be sure young ones know how to stop, drop, roll and cover their faces if clothing catches fire.
Trick or Treating
• Always go with friends and stay in a group. Plan your route, using well-lit streets and tell your family which streets you plan to use and your return time.
• Parents or other adults should always go with the young trick-or-treaters. Everyone should use flashlights or glow-sticks to increase visibility. Use reflective tape on costumes.
• Cross only at corners, not in the middle of the block or from between parked cars.
• Review with children how to safely cross a street with by looking left, right and left again to spot approaching cars. If no sidewalk, stay as far left of the roadway as possible and walk facing traffic.
• Never eat any goodies until you are safely home and have checked all treats. Parents should help youngsters check all treats. Throw away candy or food not commercially wrapped and sealed. Notify parents and police if there are any suspicious treats.
• As an alternative, attend an organized Halloween party. It’s fun to get together with other ghosts and goblins! If your children are attending Halloween parties at others’ homes, remind them to be alert for ways out of the home in an emergency.
Adults & Motorists
• Use extra caution while driving on Halloween. Be on the look-out for trick-or-treaters.
• Celebrate responsibly and designate a driver if attending parties or other festivities.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Holiday Safety Tips
For many people, autumn events like Halloween and Harvest Day are fun times to dress up in costumes, go trick-or-treating, attend parties, and eat yummy treats. These events are also opportunities to provide nutritious snacks, get physical activity, and focus on safety.
Check out these tips to help make the festivities fun and safe for trick-or-treaters and party guests.
Going trick-or-treating?
- Swords, knives, and similar costume accessories should be short, soft, and flexible.
- Avoid trick-or-treating alone. Walk in groups or with a trusted adult.
- Fasten reflective tape to costumes and bags to help drivers see you.
- Examine all treats for choking hazards and tampering before eating them. Limit the amount of treats you eat.
- Hold a flashlight while trick-or-treating to help you see and others see you. Always WALK and don't run from house to house.
- Always test make-up in a small area first. Remove it before bedtime to prevent possible skin and eye irritation.
- Look both ways before crossing the street. Use established crosswalks wherever possible.
- Lower your risk for serious eye injury by not wearing decorative contact lenses.
-Only walk on sidewalks whenever possible, or on the far edge of the road facing traffic to stay safe.
- Wear well-fitting masks, costumes, and shoes to avoid blocked vision, trips, and falls.
- Eat only factory-wrapped treats. Avoid eating homemade treats made by strangers.
- Enter homes only if you're with a trusted adult. Only visit well-lit houses. Don't stop at dark houses. Never accept rides from strangers.
- Never walk near lit candles or luminaries. Be sure to wear flame-resistant costumes.
Expecting trick-or-treaters or party guests?
• Provide healthier treats for trick-or-treaters such as low-calorie treats and drinks. For party guests, offer a variety of fruits, vegetables, and cheeses.
• Use party games and trick-or-treat time as an opportunity for kids to get their daily dose of 60 minutes of physical activity.
• Be sure walking areas and stairs are well-lit and free of obstacles that could result in falls.
• Keep candle-lit jack o'lanterns and luminaries away from doorsteps, walkways, landings, and curtains. Place them on sturdy tables, keep them out of the reach of pets and small children, and never leave them unattended.
• Remind drivers to watch out for trick-or-treaters and to drive safely.
--Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
November will cover the Southeast area of the city, however, ALL residents are encouraged to attend.
Flyers have been provided in English and Spanish.
The meeting will be on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at the Simons Middle School located at 900 E. Franklin Avenue
between 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
Come and see what is going on in your city and meet your Area Commander.
Tibbies Center Stage in Fontana
Dancing Machine
– A Tribute to the Jackson 5
November 9 – 10, 2012 Only!
Friday at 7:30pm & Saturday at 7:00pm
The Dancing Machine Review® show is an elaborate, theatrical extravaganza with brilliant multi-colored lighting effects, state-of-the-art sound, audio/visual effects, and extraordinary special effects. This awesome professional stage production captures the electrifying essence of The Jackson Five and The Jacksons, as it features the different retro eras of songs that take you from the early years of The Jackson Five, then the triumphant success of The Jacksons, and to the history making career of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. It’s a time capsule of incredible, chart blockbusting number #1 hits that will leave the audience of generations of all ages wanting more. The Dancing Machine Review® has been voted the #1 Tribute Show by audiences around the world!Menu & Pricing Information: Click Here
Nov 18, 2012
09:00 AM - 04:00 PMITEX Holiday Barter Fair
Location :Fairplex Building 6Open to members only.
Free admission.
If you are a Business Owner who would be interested in participating in the ITEX Barter Fair please contact ITEX at 909-592-7727 or visit
Parking Gate 1 (McKinley Ave.) at prevailing rates.
Nov 09, 2012 - 11, 2012
12:00 PM - 06:00 PMPomona Home Improvement & Remodeling Show
Location :Fairplex, Building 9Educational and informative demonstration, displays and seminars, on the newest ideas
in home improvement and remodeling, including Interior Home Decorating, Home
Furnishings, Carpeting, Appliances, Exterior Painting, Room Additions, Kitchen
Cabinetry, Landscaping, Swimming Pools, Spas, Decks, Patios, Gazebos, plus "Do-It
Yourself" Building Materials, Supplies and Services.
FREE: Entertainment for the whole family
Friday- 12 to 7 p.m.Saturday- 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.Sunday- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For more information visit Church of Bass Tour:
Ill Gates
Stephen Jacobs, Jay Fay
Fri, November 2, 2012
7:00 pm
The Glass House
Pomona, CA
Claremont Officials Angry Over Measure J
The measure has been placed on the Nov. 6 ballot. “J” is a county measure that looks to extend the Measure R half-cent sales tax for an additional 30 years. It would collect some $90 billion over the next 30 years if passed.
Voters passed Measure R in 2008.
But recently, MTA officials announced the Gold Line, which was supposed to extend out to Montclair and possibly even Ontario International Airport, would stop at Azusa, city officials said.
“The only word I can think of is, we’ve been bamboozled here,” said Council Member Corey Calaycay. “We’ve paid taxes on Measure R and it makes me angry because we were included in that Gold Line. That Gold Line should come all the way out here and out to the airport and now they’ve changed the game.”
“It’s not right,” he continued.
Mayor Larry Schroeder, and council members Joe Lyons and Pedroza voted to oppose the measure. Mayor Pro-tem Mayor Pro Tem Opanyi Nasiali abstained. Calaycay also abstained despite voicing his opposition to the city being excluded.
Nasiali told the council members that he understood the concern over Measure J, but felt giving residents information and allowing them to decide should be sufficient.
Measure J funds would be used to sell bonds that will allow Metro to accelerate construction of transportation improvements, according to a Claremont staff report. A 2008 study by the private nonprofit Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation determined the current tax costs residents an average of $25 per person per year.
The goal of the Gold Line is to create another way to bring in tourists and businesses that would contribute money to the city through the sales tax, officials said.
The measure allows transit and highway funding priorities to be shifted between projects within sub-regions of Los Angeles County if approved by a two thirds vote of the Metro Board, according to the report.
If passed, the tax would be extended to 2069 and are committed in Metro's current expenditure plan until that date, officials said.
Laker Legend Endorses Lacey for LA County DA
"Jackie Lacey is, by far, the best candidate for Los Angeles County District Attorney," he said in statement.
Lacey and Deputy District Attorney Alan Jackson, the top vote getters in the June primary, will square off in a runoff Nov. 6.
A Los Angeles native and USC Law School graduate, Lacey has worked for the D.A.'s office since 1986. She has tried about 60 felony cases, including 11 homicides and the county's first trial of a race-motivated hate crime, according to her campaign.
Jackson, perhaps best known for his murder prosecution of music producer Phil Spector in 2009, has been with the District Attorney's Office for 17 years and is assistant head deputy of the office's Major Crimes Division.
Jackson, who has led the prosecution of nearly 70 felonies, has said he would seek to repeal AB109 -- the state's move to reassign responsibility for low- level offenders to counties -- and allow counties to contract with out-of- state correctional facilities.
California Attorney General Kamala Harris has endorsed Lacey.
Monday, October 29, 2012
SHARE: Sisterhood of Breast Cancer Survivors in Diamond Bar
Best selling author and breast cancer survivor Barbara Delinsky has gathered the wisdom of hundreds of breast cancer survivors who are eager to inspire those who are new to the “breast cancer sisterhood.” She shares all of the stories and tidbits she found in her book "Uplift: Secrets from the Sisterhood of Breast Cancer Survivors."
First published in 2001, the book was updated for a 10th anniversary edition published last year. Delinsky donates all the profits from the book to fund a research fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Delinsky describes "Uplift" as a “comprehensive support group in a book form.”
“It is a handbook of practical tips and upbeat anecdotes that I compiled with the help of more than 400 breast cancer survivors, their families and friends. They gave me the book that I wish I’d had way back when I was diagnosed.”
Not everyone knows what to say when a friend or family member reveals a breast cancer diagnoses. Some of the women in "Uplift" shared that when people don’t know what to say, they say nothing at all, which Delinsky says is the worst possible choice.
“A note, an email, a voicemail simply saying 'I’m thinking of you' is the kindest thing in the world.”
When Delinsky was looking for answers to questions, she found “nurses more informative when it came to answering mundane questions that weren’t mundane to me at all.”
Delinsky says look to your local hospital, faith organizations and even your workplace as potential sources of support.
“One of the comments I got over and over again from contributors to 'Uplift' was that after they were diagnosed, women came out of the woodwork to say that they’d been there, that they understood, that they wanted to help.”
Delinsky says that she believes her life is better for having had breast cancer.
"I cherish my husband and kids more than ever. I view my grandchildren as a gift. And my career is frosting on the cake! So many of my 'Uplifters' [women she quotes in her book] have taken breast cancer as a wake-up call to appreciate their lives all the more, even dared to go back to school or do something entirely different with their lives.”
Those who are newly diagnosed with breast cancer also should be “uplifted” by the large sisterhood of survivors that have lived to share their wisdom, says Delinsky.
“Women are surviving breast cancer in numbers that were unheard of a generation ago. We’re being diagnosed earlier and being treated more effectively. More than 2.5 million women have had breast cancer and are now alive and well. Much of this is the result of mammography. Any woman who fears the 'pain' of mammography should know that five seconds of discomfort can lead to years and years of a longer life.”
Click here to learn about breast cancer support groups in town.
Ink'd Chronicles will feature WWll vintage pin-up art of Sant at its monthly art show on Saturday, November 10th, 6-10 pm. In honor of Veterans Day, the art show will include a special ceremony at 6:00 pm. Members of the Pomona American Legion Color Guard will present the flag and sing the National Anthem. All veterans and active military will be honored. The public is invited.
Pre-registration is necessarry for all participating artists.
Cash Prizes available!
Click on the following links for a PDF application:
State Route 71 Widening
Public Information Meeting: State Route 71 Widening
November 14, 2012, 6pm – 8pm
Westmont Community Center
1808 W Ninth Street, Pomona
Nov 08, 2012 - 11, 2012
48th Auto Club NHRA Finals
Location :FairplexThe season concludes where it began with an event traditionally laced with drama. The historic racetrack typically enjoys seasonably cool temperatures that translate into perfect racing conditions and a spectacular, no-holds-barred battle for the prestigious NHRA Full Throttle Drag Racing Series world championships. It’s a good bet that the Top Fuel, Funny Car, Pro Stock, and Pro Stock Motorcycle world titles will still be in doubt at the beginning of the season’s final day.
Group Tickets: 626-250-2220
Need some Costume Ideas
- Hours:Mon - Wed, 9:30am - 8:30pm; Thu - Fri, 9:30am - 9pm; Sat, 8:30am - 8:30pm; Sun, 10am - 6pm
L.A. County sees Largest Gas Prices Drop in Two Years
The average price has dropped for 16 consecutive days, falling 34.7 cents over that span, after rising 50.4 cents over the previous seven days to a record high of $4.705, according to figures from the AAA and Oil Price Information Service.
The average price is 23 cents less than it was one week ago, but 21.2 cents more than one month ago and 48.4 cents higher than one year ago.
The Orange County average price also recorded its largest daily decrease in at least two years, falling 4.6 cents to $4.327. It has decreased for 17 consecutive days, falling 36.3 cents over that span, after rising 51.3 cents over the previous six days to a record high of $4.69.
The Orange County average price is 22.9 cents less than one week ago, but 21.1 cents more than one month ago and 47.8 cents higher than one year ago.
The dropping prices are the result of the end of "the supply crisis that originally caused the panic in early October," Marie Montgomery Nordhues of the Automobile Club of Southern California told City News Service, referring to a gasoline shortfall resulting from problems at California refineries.
Healthy Halloween Tips for Parents
Kaiser Permanente pediatric chiefs throughout Southern California were surveyed on the top reason kids end up sick after Halloween, and the answer is: eating too much candy! Tummy aches are the most frequently reported childhood ailment during the season of Ghosts’n Goblins and overeating candy seems to be the common cause.
“Halloween is synonymous with costumes and trick-or-treating. However, an abundance of candy, chocolate bars and other sugary treats are also part of the festivities,” said Robert Riewerts, MD, Chief of Pediatrics at Kaiser Permanente Baldwin Park Medical Center and Regional Chief of Pediatrics, Southern California Permanente Medical Group.
“While a few treats are ok – Halloween comes once a year after all and you want the whole family to have fun – parents really need to limit the amount of candy their children can have and make the sweets part of a balanced diet,” he added.
So how can parents reinforce the healthy eating message they’ve been working so hard to maintain?
Some tips from the experts:
Just a handful of candy can provide an unnecessary 24 teaspoons of sugar. |
- If you’re giving out treats select healthier choices. Pretzels, raisins, popcorn are also treats children enjoy!
- Instead of candy, hand out stickers, pencils and other fun Halloween-themed school supplies.
- If you go trick-or-treating, make sure the entire family has a healthy and hearty meal first. This will prevent tasting candy along the way due to hunger!
- Allow a 2-3 piece candy limit per day – maybe one piece at lunch and the other after dinner – and make sure you stash the rest out of reach and sight.
- Encourage your children to donate their candy to a senior center, food bank, or homeless shelter. Then reward their act of kindness with a fun book!
- Trick-or-treating means a walk around the neighborhood. Play some games along the way; maybe power walk from one house to the next; hop up to the door! Children need at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day.
- Mom, dad, lead by example! Don’t tell your kids they can’t eat their candy, while you indulge in treats!
Food Trucks Highlight School Fundraiser
The way to earn money is through a person's stomach.
The school hosted the "Food Trucks for Tech Bucks" fundraiser, giving people wanting to help students a chance to try gourmet food at the same time.
Adults paid $5 each, while children paid $2 each for the chance to sample from 12 gourmet food providers parked on the school's play area and field. There was also community booths, a carnival, air-filled bounce areas and a student talent show as part of the event.
Hey do you want the Coolest Jack-O-Lantern
Do you have any Disney fans in the house? Check out the Disney Family website to get stencils for everything from Jack Skellington from “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” to Pooh Bear and "Phineas and Ferb." If you’ve got a little princess fan, you will find a few Disney Princess stencils here too.
While Disney is big in my house, Nick Jr. favorites like “Team Umizoomi” are just as big. They also offer stencils for pumpkins on their site. You’ll find the Umizoomi gang along with “Dora the Explorer,” “Blue’s Clues,” and "Yo Gaba Gaba!"
An often used site for carvings is Pumpkin Pile, which offers stencils of all kinds. You’ll find movies (ie. Star Wars, Ghostbusters, E.T., Harry Potter), video game characters, sports logos, car logos, even Obama and Romney stencils on the site. When you click on the stencil, don’t be surprised if you get a message from the site's operators asking for some support.
Think the children are the only ones who are catered to this time of year. Thank you History Channel for throwing us grown ups a few, ahem, bones. They have a few simple patterns and some that would seem logical for the channel to have including patriotic stencils and one of presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, the Liberty Bell, and pilgrims.
Here are some other sites I found links too. Please feel free to suggest others in the comments.
- – These folks have a few freebies. There is a daily freebie. Of course they have others for a fee.
- Stoneykins - Checked this site quickly and found unique stencils that included a zombified Billy Jo Armstrong (from the band Green Day) and Anne Frank. Also, there are only about 100 free stencils. Others are available for a fee.
- Pumpkin Stencil Maker - Better Homes and Gardens is offering some carving tips. This page includes a how-to video with some great ideas.
- Kim's Free Pumpkin Patterns - This site has a handful of fun faces you might have fun carving into your pumpkin.
- Free Carving Patterns - The Pumpkin Lady offers a few freebies set apart from the ones you need to pay for. The freebies include a ribbon cut out and a ribbon etching.
- Pumpkin Carving Templates – I found this KOA suggestion interesting. If you really love camping, here are your stencils. The site also provides some tips on how to carve.
- Halloween Pumpkin Carving Ideas - Celebrating Halloween has traditional stencils. You might have to endure a short political ad. This site also has political stencils for both presidential candidates. And the video that plays after the ad has tips on how to keep young trick-or-treaters safe.
- Pumpkin Stencils - Hershey Trick-or-Treats has three stencils that the youngsters might enjoy. They range from easy to intermediate.
- HGTV - HGTV has beginner and advanced stencils you might want to check out.
- Finally, TMZ – The gossip site is offering stencils. This is for those of you who are tired of fruitlessly searching for stencils that feature Miley Cyrus, Cee Lo Green and Mama June from TLC’s “Honey Boo Boo.”
Metrolink Reaches Two Decades of Commuter-Rail Operation
Metrolink has a station in the City of Industry, located off of Brea Canyon Road, between Diamond Bar and Walnut.
Metrolink began operations on Oct. 26, 1992 with three routes, 11 stations and 112 miles of track in two counties. It initially carried 2,300 daily passengers. Today, Metrolink offers seven routes, 55 stations and 512 miles of track in six counties. Average weekday ridership consists of over 44,000 boardings.
“This is a tremendous milestone,” Metrolink Board Chairman Richard Katz said. “When you consider the tens of thousands of lives we impact each and every day, our positive impact on improving air quality and reducing congestion…it can be overwhelming. Our employees and crews take great pride in their work and being a part of this occasion is very special for everyone associated with Metrolink.
“The safety of our passengers and crews is and always will be Metrolink’s core value,” he said.
Metrolink has become a world leader in rail technological innovations and safety enhancements to maximize efficiency and the quality of public transit for Southern Californians.
In 2009, Metrolink became the first railroad company in the nation to install inward-facing video cameras on its locomotives, while in 2010, Metrolink purchased 137 Guardian Fleet cars equipped with crash energy management technology.
Metrolink’s dedication to implementing Positive Train Control technology system-wide will be met before the 2015 Federal mandate.
For details on Metrolink’s 20th Anniversary, please visit
Thursday, Nov 29 7:00p
atGardiner W. Spring Auditorium,Ontario,CA
The Little Mermaid Jr. is based on the blockbuster film that restored Disney as the world's premiere animated-feature factory. The title character is a precocious teenager named Ariel, the daughter of Triton, King of the Sea. Against her father's wishes, Ariel journeys beyond her own world to the surface, where she falls in love with Prince Eric, a handsome human. read more
Price: Thur-Sun $13; Mon $10
Age Suitability:None Specified
The Little Mermaid Jr. is based on the blockbuster film that restored Disney as the world's premiere animated-feature factory. The title character is a precocious teenager named Ariel, the daughter of Triton, King of the Sea. Against her father's wishes, Ariel journeys beyond her own world to the surface, where she falls in love with Prince Eric, a handsome human. Foolishly, the little mermaid enters into an agreement with evil Sea Witch Ursula in order to become human herself. The wistfully melancholy ending of the original Hans Christian Andersen story is dispensed with in favor of a joyously happy ending-but not before a spectacular climactic confrontation between Ursula and Triton. The feisty Sebastian the Crab handles comic relief singing the Oscar-winning hit song"Under the Sea."
Pomona Harvest Festival Original Art & Craft Show
Friday, Nov 30 9:00a to 6:00p
Check everything off your holiday shopping list with a trip to the Harvest Festival® Original Art & Craft Show at the LA County Fairplex Friday through Sunday, November 30-December 2nd. As the West Coast's largest and finest indoor craft showcase now celebrating its 40th Anniversary, you’ll find 24,000 handcrafted, “made in America” originals at super affordable prices. read more
Price: Adults $9, Seniors (62+) $7, Youths (13-17) $4, Kids 12 and under FREE - Bring canned goods for donation to GAP Food Bank and get $2 off
Phone: (800) 346-1212
Age Suitability:None Specified
Tags:jazz, folk, family, children, blues, swing, do it yourself, green event, bay area crafts, kidsdiy
Check everything off your holiday shopping list with a trip to the Harvest Festival® Original Art & Craft Show at the LA County Fairplex Friday through Sunday, November 30-December 2nd. As the West Coast's largest and finest indoor craft showcase now celebrating its 40th Anniversary, you’ll find 24,000 handcrafted, “made in America” originals at super affordable prices. Dazzling in full holiday splendor, the showcase features live music, strolling performers, contests, chef demonstrations, specialty foods, an interactive Kidzone, and more. You and your family will have hours of fun and exciting discovery of 200+ exhibits featuring ceramics, paintings, jewelry, hand blown glass, antique treasures, children’s accessories, hand woven clothing, photography, candles, woodwork, sculptures, holiday ornaments, and more.
Creator: Zvents 
Chino Youth Museum
Kids Night Out
Age: 3 -12 yrs. old
(All children must be potty-trained)
Pre-Registration is Required
Saturday, Nov 17 6:00p to 9:00p
atChino Youth Museum,Chino,CA
This is the perfect opportunity for parents to get a break! Parents can drop off their children at the Museum for a fun-filled Friday evening including supervised activities and dinner.
Age: 3 -12 yrs. old
(All children must be potty-trained)
Pre-Registration is Required
Age: 3 -12 yrs. old
(All children must be potty-trained)
Pre-Registration is Required
Price: $12 per child
Age Suitability:None Specified
Tags:kids, dinner, activities, fun, break
This is the perfect opportunity for parents to get a break! Parents can drop off their children at the Museum for a fun-filled Friday evening including supervised activities and dinner.Age: 3 -12 yrs. old
(All children must be potty-trained)
Pre-Registration is Required
Coney Island Christmas
November 20 - December 30, 2012
Gil Cates Theater
Pulitzer Prize winner Donald Margulies weaves together nostalgia, music and merriment in the world premiere of this new seasonal classic. A holiday show for people of all ages and all faiths, Coney Island Christmas introduces us to Shirley Abramowitz, a young Jewish girl who (much to her immigrant parents' exasperation) is cast as Jesus in the school’s Christmas pageant. As Shirley, now much older, recounts the memorable story to her great-granddaughter, the play captures a timeless and universal tale of what it means to be an American during the holidays.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
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