Monday, May 20, 2013

Life with Porky, Eating Healthy Diet

Hi everyone, I just wanted to talk to you kid's and especially you parents out there about eating a Healthy Diet. I love my Cookies but they can be bad for you if you eat to much, Ren said if you eat to much sugar you can become a diabetic. And that's not good and also other health problems, so be like Ren and I. Here is a Food Chart that Ren and I follow to help us keep healthy, and if your a kid like me we have to start now. OK that's when you parents come in, to make sure us kid's are eating all the good stuff, that's going to help us grow big and strong. Instead of reaching for a soda, have a nice glass of cool water Hmm. And for a snack have an orange or my favorite an apple, Ren said these are natures candy for all of to enjoy. And also get outside and play some sports, Ren and I walk every morning he said it's the best part of the day. OK I'm going outside to play and go bug Ren lol bye.

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