Saturday, May 18, 2013

Local Officials Head to Washington to Talk About the City's Future

Last week, Council Members Sam Pedroza, Larry Schroeder, myself and staff traveled to Washington D.C. to build on Claremont’s strong relationship with its State legislators, staff, and decision makers at multiple Federal grant funding agencies. In two days, we discussed several City initiatives with the Offices of U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, Congresswomen Judy Chu as well as the U.S. Department of Justice, COPS (Community Oriented Policing Services) agency and the U.S. Administration on Aging.          

Throughout these meetings, we discussed funding strategies and solutions for expanding the Joslyn Senior Center facility to accommodate the community’s growing senior population and the need to improve the police facility. We also discussed the City’s success with recent COPS funding and potential emergency services funding solutions.

In addition to funding opportunities, strategies on how the City can work with our legislators in dealing with the National Parks Services recent “Special Resource Study” were discussed. This study recommends categorizing the San Gabriel Mountains and Watershed under the long-standing Santa Monica Mountain National Recreation Area management structure.

We received very positive feedback from our legislators and will continue to follow up with their offices on letters of support for our grant applications.

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