Monday, May 20, 2013

Ren's Wayback, Clark Bros. History



Just a little history on the Clark Brothers, in the 6th picture ( located on Main St. ) down you'll see that letters are gone. And the last two pictures is the last place they moved to, now just a wall is left. It's a real shame that the people we trust to save our history are not doing there job. Hey I'm sorry to if this gets a little old, on how we should do more to save our history But as I travel around Pomona I see so much of it being torn down, or they changed it so much that you can't even recognize it anymore. If they should move in or buy one of our old buildings, first thing I would tell them. You can't change anything unless it's for safety reasons or for wheelchair access. And make it a point to stop by and see if they have changed anything with out asking first, not just stop by once, I mean keep stopping by until the work is done. If we want to save our history, I think the people who we trust better get on the ball here. In some cases it's a little to late, just a couple of years ago they tore down this old farm house on Holt Ave. now just a vacant lot, I have pictures of the place before they tore it down.  Well I better get off my soapbox, sounds like I'm running for office or something.

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