Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ren's Wayback, Frantz Cleaners 1967

Back in 1967 when I was going to Emerson Jr. High, I had a friend named Eddie. Now every Saturday Eddie's job was to go up on the roof and clean out this swamp cooler. Now if you look to your far right, your going to see this tall silver looking tower. That's not the same one, but it's the same thing my friend had to clean out on Saturdays. So there would be times I would go with him and just hang out on the roof. I would sit on the ledge under the Frantz Cleaner sign and just watch the traffic go by. People would go by and see me and just point up at me, and I would just wave back lol. To this day I can close my eyes and go back to that roof like it was yesterday, just sitting on that ledge and watching life go by, and every once in awhile life would wave back. These are the memories I cherish the most, when a kid like me sitting on a roof, it felt like I was on top of the world.

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