Thursday, July 18, 2013

Neighbors for Smart Rail Lose Another Expo Line Fight

The State Supreme Court could be the last legal body to rule on the West L.A. residents' challenges to the Expo Rail and its crossings.

An effort to stop Expo Phase II rail construction from Culver City to Santa Monica by a group of West L.A. homeowners was rejected once again, this time by the California Public Utilities Commission, reports LAStreetsblog.

Now it is up to the California Supreme Court to decide to issue a ruling.

Neighbors for Smart Rail (NFSR) has been opposed to the eight-mile extension of the Expo Rail Line, which is currently under construction. The group of primarily West L.A. homeowners contends Expo’s environmental review did not adequately assess the line’s impact on their neighborhoods.

In two court rooms, NFSR has argued that the Expo Authority used an improper baseline for analyzing the impacts of the Expo Line on automobile traffic, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions.

CPUC is the state board charged to review rail projects that impact public roadways.

In the CPUC's recent decision, it rejects several claims and arguments presented by NFSR to state the Expo Construction Authority's 16 at-grade and 11 above-grade street crossings fall within the state's guidelines.

Click here to read Streetsblog's previous coverage of NFSR's dealings with the CPUC.

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