Thursday, July 11, 2013

Preparation for Claremont Hills Wilderness Park Gets Council Approval

Preliminary work to prepare a master plan for the Claremont Hills Wilderness Park has received a green light from city officials.
The Claremont City Council Tuesday night unanimously approved moving forward with a master preparation plan for the project, reported the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin.
The approval of the proposal will enable city staff to find a consultant to assist with putting the master plan together, the newspaper reported.
On Jan. 12, the council directed staff to prepare a master plan for the park, according to the staff report.

"The goal is to create, through community dialogue, one unified vision for the management, maintenance, and expansion of the Wilderness Park, one which balances utilizing the hillsides as a recreation opportunity while preserving the natural resources for environmental purposes," staff wrote in a report to council.
Some of the scope of work tasks outlined in the staff report include developing plans for park expansion, public participation, volunteer opportunities, and park usage and amenities.
City Manager Tony Ramos told the council that staff would return with a request for funds with a recommendation for awarding a bid, the newspaper reported.
"My goal is to see how much this is going to cost us in order to study all this. . .and make sure that stays within the budget we can afford," said City Manager Tony Ramos.

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