Monday, August 5, 2013

Neighborhood Watch May Get Mobile Trailer

With council approval, the trailer could be ordered, built, equipped and operational in about four months, the staff report reads.

The Diamond Bar City Council on Tuesday will decide whether to approve a $45,000 General Fund expenditure to purchase a trailer for Neighborhood Watch meetings.

Until 2012, law enforcement in Diamond Bar used a Los Angeles County sheriff's community vehicle for Neighborhood Watch meetings.

However, when the council authorized refurbishment of that vehicle into a Mobile Command Post, the venue for the meetings was lost, a staff report indicates.

The City Council then decided to authorize the purchase of a new vehicle to be used for state-of-the-art presentations to teach residents how to protect themselves and their neighborhoods.

In addition to the Neighborhood Watch meetings, the trailer will be used for other public meetings run by other city departments, according to the staff report.

The staff budget for the purchase has $15,000 earmarked for the trailer, $10,000 for audiovisual equipment, $7,500 for a generator and other equipment, another $7,500 for paint and specialized graphics and $5,000 for contingencies, the report reads.

WIth council approval, the trailer could be ordered, built, equipped and operational in about four months, the staff report reads.

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