Thursday, August 1, 2013

Observation Deck Being Built Along PCH

Palisadian's photo inquiry leads to discovery of observation deck construction along the Pacific Coast Highway in Pacific Palisades.

A new seawall is being built along the coastline in Pacific Palisades to make way for the Will Rogers Coastline Capital Project, which will essentially be an observation deck with beach access.
Linda Kaye, president of the Sunset Mesa Property Owners Association, tells Patch city and county officials presented the project at a recent meeting. It's anticipated to be complete by Oct. 2014.

A local photographer first noticed wooden pilings along the PCH near Gladstones earlier in July and sent photos into Patch.
The steel sheet piling is reportedly temporary, but required to build a new seawall to protect the area from high surf.
Kaye said the project was well received by most residents, but there were a few concerns. She noted the SMPOA first heard of the project in 2003, but the California Coastal Commission gave two revisions on the project, which dates back even further.
Safety concerns for parking while turning into the entrance with oncoming southbound PCH traffic, as well as parking meter times, were addressed with SMPOA.
"It was explained that this is an observation deck with beach access, however many of those in attendance believe this may be how it is intended to be used but actual use may be different," Kaye noted.

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