Sunday, August 4, 2013

Plenty of Summer Left For Concerts, Starlit Movies in Park

There is still plenty of time to enjoy free concerts in the park and movies by starlight in the city of Diamond Bar.

Sycamore Canyon Park, at 22930 Golden Springs Drive,  is the venue for the concerts, held every Wednesday evening.

Still to come are concerts by Cold Duck -- they play 70s Top 40 music -- and the movie "Rise of The Guardians," which is the entertainment planned for this week.

The Kelly Rae Band -- they plan Country Pop -- will play and "The Lorax "will be shown on Aug. 14.

On Aug. 21, The Ultimate Stones (a Rolling Stones tribute band) will play and  "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" will play.

Concerts begin at 6:30 p.m., and end at 8 p.m., with a dusk accompanied movie beginning immediately after that.

Visitors are asked to bring lawn chairs, blankets and either a picnic meal or cash to buy food and refreshments at the park.

Free parking and shuttle service is available beginning at 5:30 p.m. from the Diamond Bar Golf Course, 22751 Golden Springs Drive.

Pets -- unless they are service animals -- are not allowed; nor are personal grills.

For more information, please call the Recreation Services Division at 909-839-7070 or click here.

Residents who missed any concerts can catch them on television -- Time Warner Cable and Verizon FiOS subscribers can tune in to DBtv (TW –Channel 3; Verizon – Channel 47) at 8 p.m. every Monday and Thursday or 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday to catch replays of this year’s Concerts in the Park series.

The concerts are aired on a one-week delay and are updated weekly.
They can also be viewed on the city website.

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