Saturday, November 30, 2013


November 30, 2013
In a Minute
You are Invited To the Annual
Pomona Heritage
Progressive Christmas Dinner
December 7, 2013
Appetizers will be from 5:00 to 6:00
@ The Garner home
1929 Berkeley Ave
Dinner will be served from 6:30 to 7:45
@ The Historical Society of the Pomona Valley
The Ebell Club
585 E. Holt St.
Dessert will be served at 8:15
@ The Vander Molens
820 Hillcrest
We will provide turkey, ham, and stuffing. Bring a dish for at least 8 people. We will have soft drinks, water, wine, and beer. Please invite your neighbors. Non-member admission is a dish for 8 or a small donation.     
Appetizers                                                          A through E
Dinner side dishes                                              G through P       
Desserts                                                              R through Z    

Pusha T


Mon, December 2, 2013

7:00 pm

The Glass House

Pomona, CA

$25.00 - $35.00

This event is all ages



Nov30, 2013 - Dec 01, 2013

B.R.A.K.E.S. Driving School

Location: Fairplex main lot

Put on the B.R.A.K.E.S. (Be Responsible And Keep Everyone Safe) is a non-profit 501(C)(3) whose mission is to prevent injuries and save lives by training and educating teenage drivers and their parents about the importance of safe and responsible driving.

Parking is at Gate 15 on Arrow Highway

Visit for registration and information

Ren's Wayback Dec. 7, 2010

Get ready it's coming Dec.7th see you all there


This is the last weekend that it's going to be open, after that no more

Friday, November 29, 2013

Ren's Wayback Mid to late 60's

OK what we have here is a picture of Second and Linden St. and across from Buffums was the Goodwill Store another great place to shop, that's if Buffums was a little high priced for you. Now behind the Goodwill there on First St. was an old packing plant, it was from Palomares to Eleanor St. There is a parking lot for Western U there now, and just on the other side use to be railroad tracks for loading and unloading. So from Palomares to Eleanor St. there was no street at all like you see today. You would have to go south on Palomares St. then on to old First St. then back up Eleanor St. to First St. Back then First St. use to drop down then once you passed the packing plant, then you would go back up Eleanor St. then to First St. Let me see what else, OK to your lower right was a paint store that sold paint for houses and also paint supplies. And to the upper left corner where you see those two white cars parked. Well that was the parking for that furniture store that was on the corner of northwest corner of Palomares and Second St. as a kid it was a great place to ambush your friends with water balloons. Where the Goodwill and all the way to your left to where that parking lot I was telling you about, is a park now. And the part of Linden St. along the Goodwill store is no longer there. The only thing that still around is the Pomona, Buffums sign it now reads WESTERN U



Oh yeah one more thing I was able to see them fix the sign as you see it today, same old sign but with a different title. In the one picture you can see the pole but no sign.


Windsong to launch 19th season Dec. 7

Windsong Southland Chorale, under the direction of Dr. Janet Harms, opens its 19th season with “A Celebration of Carols” on Dec. 7 at 7:30 p.m., at the United Methodist Church of La Verne, 3205 “D” St.,
Benjamin Britten’s beloved “A Ceremony of Carols is especially relevant this year. Choirs the world over are singing Britten’s music in celebration of the 100th year of his birth.
Also on the program is Camille Saint-Saens “Christmas Oratorio,” with harp accompaniment.
The soloists for this piece are Myra Garcia, soprano, Corinne Boldt, 2nd soprano, Niké St. Clair, contralto, Saw Shein, tenor, Isaac Gonzalez, baritone, and Liesl Erman, harpist.

To open the program, Dr. Harms has brought back “Set Me as a Seal” from “The New Creation” by contemporary composer Rene Clausen. For the first 10 seasons, Windsong always began each concert singing this delicate song while surrounding the audience. This tradition is being reinstituted with the Christmas concert.
Judith von Hopf will add her musical talents, as will the St. Joseph Handbell Choir, led by Joan Hamm.
Ticket prices are $15 for adults, $10 for students, and $30 for families, if pre-ordered. Tickets are $20 at the door. To order tickets: 909-983-9879.

Free mammograms offered Saturday

Free mammograms and clinical breast exams for low-income women over 40 will be offered on Saturday at the First Christian Church, 110 N. Vine Ave., Ontario.
Specialists from the YWCA of North Orange County which conduct the examinations,
For information or to make an appointment: Fredia Travis or Susana Corona at 714-871-4488 ext. 206.

Click on image and print

                                                 Too Toxic To Trash E-Waste Roundup
Household Hazardous Waste and E-Waste Roundup
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Brackett Field
Fairplex Drive and West McKinley Ave.  La Verne
Open to all Los Angeles County Residents
ABC7 and Southern California Firefighters are collecting new, unwrapped toys and sports equipment for children across the Southland from 4:30am-6:30pm.

Come out and help Garth Kemp stuff a bus and make the holidays special for kids in need.

* Donate Online -->
* Request Toys -->

Early Black Friday shoppers crowd retail stores

Goldenvoice, LED & Future
Adventure Club
with: DVBBS, Dallas K & Hunter Siegel
Choose either GA Floor (standing) or GA Balcony (unreserved seats). GA Balcony tickets do not include access to the Floor or Pit areas. Pit wristbands are given out on a first-come first serve basis to GA Floor ticket holders based on capacity.
Nov 29
Doors open: 7pm
Show Starts: 8pm
Genre: Electro
Ages: 18+
Tickets Onsale: Friday, 8/23 at 10am
Ticket Price: $20-$35 adv / $40 dos
Pre-Sale Begins: 08/22 10:00AM
Pre-Sale Ends: 08/22 10:00PM
Use Password: SUPER




Celebrated each year on November 29.


Celebrated each year on the day following Thanksgiving


Celebrated each year on the day after Thanksgiving


Celebrated annually on the day following Thanksgiving

Police Searching for Shooter in Possible Gang-Related Murder

The 17-year-old victim was found in a vehicle and declared dead at a hospital.

Detectives were searching Thursday for the person who fatally shot a 17-year-old boy found in a vehicle and declared dead at a hospital in what police called a possible gang-related shooting.

Police were called to White Avenue and Second Street by a patrol officer at 12:06 p.m. Wednesday, according to Lt. Joann Guzek of the Pomona Police Department.

It was determined the shooting occurred at Hamilton Avenue and First Street, Guzek said.

The victim's name was withheld pending notification of next of kin.

Anyone with information on the shooting was asked to call homicide detectives at (909) 620-2085.

– City News Service

Ren's Note: It's time that the Mayor of Pomona to step down. The gang members know that the mayor and government here in Pomona are weak and they will run with their tails behind their legs. We need to clean house in our city hall, next killing just blame it on the mayor for being weak, and if he wants to help Pomona then leave the office, and let's get somebody that has big enough *&^% to do something about this. Not some weakling that runs and hides behinds his wife's skirt.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

This weekend


When: Wednesday, November 27th by 6 PM

This evening, Mayflower Ave at the railroad crossing in the city of Monrovia will fully reopen for motorists and pedestriansPlease note that the pedestrian shuttle service will no longer be provided after today's work completion and reopening of the street and sidewalks.
Thank you for your patience as we worked to complete the new light rail grade crossing improvements at this important crossing.
From all of us, we hope you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

For more information or to view other current construction notices, click here.
To subscribe to receive construction alerts to your mobile phone, text GOLDLINENEWS to 888777.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we build this important project!

Community Hotline: (626) 324-7098

Visit a public information office:
Arcadia: 400 N. Santa Anita Avenue, Suite 101-B, Arcadia, CA
(Mon & Wed only 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
Monrovia: 406 E. Huntington Drive, Suite 202, Monrovia, CA
(Hours: M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
Azusa: 1300 Optical Drive, Suite 500, Azusa, CA
(Hours: M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

For information on how to submit a project related claim, click here.


NDC Thanksgiving

                    THANKSGIVING DAY

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated each year in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November.

Thanksgiving Day paragraph to to updated soon.


Each year on November 28, people across the United States celebrate
National French Toast Day.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dickens seance planned at Pomona library

A Dickens Christmas Séance will be held Dec. 14 at 3 p.m. at the Pomona Public Library, 625 S Garey Ave.
The veil into the unknown will be opened by an experienced medium, Jim Gallivan, in the authentic Victorian style of séances that Charles Dickens himself attended and may still be attending. Dickens’ “Christmas Carol” uses the vivid ghostly supernatural character of Jacob Marley and the three ghosts of Christmas to teach Ebenezer Scrooge the errors of his miserly ways.
Dickens was an important member of the famous Ghost Club founded in 1862 in London, as was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Professor Gallivan is a member of that same society, which has been dedicated to the study of ghosts, séances, psychical phenomena and things that go bump in the night. Professor Gallivan is a member of the exclusive worldwide Psychic Entertainers Association, has been a performing member of the Magic Castle and has performed many Victorian séances and is the director of a historical cemetery.

The spooky basement chambers of the Pomona Library will be used. The doors will be closed at 3:33 p.m., so visitors should arrive at 3 p.m. for refreshments. This event will not be appropriate for young children.
Seating for this event will be strictly limited. Cost is $15. Proceeds will go to the Pomona Library.

         Foothill Extension E-News 
                          November 27, 2013

Pasadena to Azusa Construction Update; Azusa to Montclair Kicks Off

Pasadena to Azusa:

Significant progress continues along the 11.5-mile corridor, as the Pasadena to Azusa project nears 50% completion. Most bridge structures and at-grade crossings have been completed or are nearing completion, and light rail track will soon be laid along the corridor. Work is underway at four of the six stations, and in mid-November the third (and final) concrete pour for the Duarte Station platforms took place. The Operations Campus is also moving along on schedule. Light rail track is being installed, and nearly all of the OCS (overhead catenary system) pole foundations for the future system to power the trains are now ready. Below are some highlights of recent construction:

Operations Campus Highlights:

The car cleaning platform is now poured and the forms removed.

Track ties and rails are set on several storage tracks, and initial and flood ballast is being placed.

Arcadia Highlight: Monrovia Highlight:
Santa Anita Ave Bridge abutments supports are complete and ready for the girders to be set in early 2014. 
The Santa Anita Wash bridge was completed in October. Here, girders are being set.

Duarte Highlight:Irwindale Highlight:

Here, the first of three completed concrete pours for the Duarte station platforms.
The 700-ft San Gabriel River Bridge structure was completed in time for the start of the official rainy season; an Army Corp of Engineers requirement.

Downtown Azusa Highlight:Azusa-Citrus Highlight:

Track panels are being installed across San Gabriel Ave, one of only two unfinished at-grade crossings to be completed in the city of Azusa.
Concrete girders were set onto the light rail bridge abutments in November, completing the two Citrus Ave light rail bridge structures.
Azusa to Montclair Update:
Following environmental clearance earlier this year when a locally preferred alternative was selected, the Construction Authority has now officially kicked off the next phase of work for the Foothill Extension from Azusa to Montclair! Over the next two years, we will work to advance the project's design/engineering to a point where it will be ready for a design-build procurement. We will also re-engage the previously selected station artists, so they can oversee the material and color choices for their station, as well as advance the artwork design. Here are highlights from recent kick-off meetings:
Photo from October 23, 2013 Azusa to Montclair Segment Kick-Off Meeting where city staff and officials were brought together to discuss the upcoming effort to advance the project design. They were provided information on what they could expect over the next two years of work.
Also at the October 23 meeting were the Azusa to Montclair Station Artists. From left to right, all attended the meeting (click on their names to learn more about this accomplished group): Eugene Daub and Anne Olsen Daub - San Dimas station artists; Ruth Ann Anderson - Montclair station artist; Joyce Kohl - Claremont station artist; Michael Hillman - Glendora station artist; Blue McRight - La Verne station artist; and Steve Farley - Pomona station artist. 
On November 20, a pre-proposal conference was held at the Arcadia City Hall for interested consultants to learn about how they can get involved in advancing the design for the 12.3-mile project. More than 80 representatives from more than 70 local consulting firms were in attendance to listen and ask questions about the procurement process, scope of work and timetable. The Construction Authority intends to issue the Request for Proposals in early January 2014.

Have you checked your map lately? Learn the latest about construction in your community!


Other Easy Ways to Stay Updated:     

Community Resources Available:

400 N. Santa Anita Ave, Suite 101-B, Arcadia, CA 91006
(Northeast corner of Santa Anita Ave and La Porte St)
Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays ONLY:  8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

406 E. Huntington Dr, Suite 202, Monrovia, CA 91016
(Construction Authority Offices)
Hours: Mondays through Friday:  8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

1300 W. Optical Dr, Suite 500, Azusa, CA 91702
Hours: Mondays through Friday:  8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 


Thank you for your continued interest in the Foothill Extension. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiv

and the Public Affairs Team

Supervisor Antonovich Calls for Audit of Contracts for Electronic Monitoring Devices

Antonovich proposed the audit as the county's Probation Department sought to renew a contract with Sentinel Offender Services, LLC.

County Supervisor Mike Antonovich called Tuesday for an audit of contracts for electronic monitoring devices, which he said fail to keep law-abiding citizens safe from criminals.
Antonovich proposed the audit as the county's Probation Department sought to renew a contract with Sentinel Offender Services, LLC.
"Despite inherent weaknesses with electronic monitoring, it is imperative that the county ensure that the contractor's equipment and monitoring services meet our standards and expectations," Antonovich said.
The private company monitors electronic ankle bracelets and other devices designed to track criminal offenders or probationers. Jail overcrowding and pressure to release inmates before they serve their full sentence has encouraged the use of such technology.
Antonovich said he's not a proponent.
"It's not an effective deterrent to crime," he said. "And it does provide a false sense of security to our community. Offenders often tamper with and disengage these devices and face only minor consequences."
He pointed to reports of sex offenders removing required GPS devices.
Recent state law sets a mandatory six-month jail sentence for sex offenders who violate their parole by tampering with devices and dictates that the entire six months be served in county jail, with no early release.
Antonovich voted with the rest of the board to extend Sentinel's contract, set to expire Nov. 30, but only for one year. Future options to renew must come back to the board for approval.
The board supported his call for monthly compliance reports and a report back in 90 days.
By City News Service

Life with Porky

Come on Porky ! no time to be looking we have work to be done.
Ren I was just looking at that Images of Pomona on the Mayfair Hotel, Wow ! they sure get around.
That's our job Porky
Oh that's right, that's us lol.




Each year on November 27, people across the country celebrate National Bavarian Cream Pie Day.
To make a Bavarian Cream Pie, Bavarian cream, also called crème bavaroise, is poured into a baked pie crust and refrigerated.    French chef Marie Antione Careme, is given credit for the invention of Bavarian cream, which is a gelatin-based pastry cream, that was originally served in gourmet restaurants and luxury hotels, in France, in the early 19th century.
Cream pies are a favorite dessert of many and Bavarian cream pie is gourmet in taste and presentation as it is often topped with shaved chocolate or chocolate sauce and whipped cream.
Following is a “tried and true” Bavarian Cream Pie recipe for you to make and share with your family and friends as you celebrate National Bavarian Cream Pie day!
Within our research, we were unable to find the creator of National Bavarian Cream Pie, an “unofficial” national holiday.


               NATIONAL TIE ONE ON DAY

National Tie One on Day might confuse people with it’s name however it is not at all about going out, getting crazy and drinking to much while others are at home, working hard preparing for tomorrow’s big Thanksgiving Day meal.

National Tie One on Day celebrates the apron as well as the past generations of women who wore them and it was also created as a day to bring joy to the life of someone in need and celebrate the spirit of giving.

“Women clad in aprons have traditionally prepared the Thanksgiving meal, and it is within our historical linkage to share our bounty.” EllynAnne Geisel

As part of National Tie One on Day, Buy an apron, bake something, tuck a note of encouragement in the pocket of the apron (or pin it on it), wrap the baked good in the apron and give it to someone in need on Thanksgiving Eve.
Happy National Tie One on Day!

Nov 28, 2013

12:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Thanksgiving Dinner at McKinley's Grille

Location: McKinley's Grille
Enjoy a delicious, convenient farm fresh family style Thanksgiving dinner prepared by McKinley's Grille
$26.95 per person (plus tax)
Call (909) 868-5915 or visit for reservations