Friday, March 28, 2014

Foothill Extension E-News 
March 28, 2014
Construction on the Pasadena to Azusa segment of the Foothill Gold Line continues to be at the most active pace of the project, with many visible activities taking place throughout the alignment.
Three of the six stations now have their canopy structures: Arcadia, Monrovia and Duarte. Soon, these stations will be transformed, as they quickly go from skeletal to completed. As you can see from the photos below, some of the stations will have one center platform, while others will have two side platforms. Each will have unique colors and materials, as well as custom artwork currently being designed and fabricated throughout the region and the country.

Canopy structure at the Arcadia Station, which is a center platform.

Canopy structure at the Monrovia Station, which will have two side platforms.
All of the six future stations will have parking, and work is underway on four of the parking structures: Arcadia, Monrovia, Irwindale, and APU/Citrus College station. Foundations for the Overhead Catenary System are more than halfway installed, and the first few traction power substations (which will deliver power to the overhead wires that provide electricity to the light rail trains) have been installed in Duarte and Azusa. Miles of retaining and sound walls are now built; and track, ballast, rail and ties are being installed in many sections of the 11.5-mile corridor.

Rail is being pulled along the right-of-way in Duarte.

Crews are completing light rail track installation at the Myrtle Ave grade crossing in Monrovia.

At the Gold Line Operations Campus, segments of rail are welded together.

A ballast regulator at work across from the City of Hope in Duarte.

Crews installing the traction power substation in Azusa near Virginia Ave.
It is starting to look like a light rail line!
Find Out More in Latest Quarterly Newsletter
The Construction Authority recently released its first newsletter for 2014, and readers can click the link below to download, print and read the latest in-depth information on the station platforms, station art, safety and grade crossing improvements.
Azusa to Montclair Update:
Proposals were submitted this month by engineering and design teams interested in participating in the advanced conceptual engineering for the Azusa to Montclair segment. The work will take about two years to complete, and make the 12.3-mile segment "shovel ready" for a design-build procurement.

The Construction Authority board will consider awarding a contract next month. This design phase is funded by residual Measure R funds, left over from the Pasadena to Azusa segment.

Later this year, the Construction Authority will again be out in the corridor cities from Azusa to Montclair to meet with the community to discuss the project. We will keep you posted about upcoming meetings.
Have you checked your map lately? Learn the latest about construction in your community!

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Community Resources Available:

400 N. Santa Anita Ave, Suite 101-B, Arcadia, CA 91006 
(Northeast corner of Santa Anita Ave and La Porte St)  
Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays ONLY:  8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
406 E. Huntington Dr, Suite 202, Monrovia, CA 91016 
(Construction Authority Offices) 
Hours: Mondays through Friday:  8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
1300 W. Optical Dr, Suite 500, Azusa, CA 91702 
Hours: Mondays through Friday:  8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 


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