Friday, September 26, 2014

New License Plate Will Fund Mammograms

From Assemblywoman Joan Buchanan, D-Alamo:
Last week the governor signed AB 49, which authorizes the creation of a Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness specialty license plate.
Money raised through the plate will fund the “Every Woman Counts” program that provides low-cost and no-cost mammograms for women in need.
“As a mother, sister, friend, colleague, and in my role as an Assemblymember, I have seen firsthand the devastating and far-reaching effect breast cancer has had on so many families in the State of California,” Assemblywoman Joan Buchanan said.
“Almost two years ago, a group of four courageous women, each with gripping stories about their struggle with this terrible disease, came to me with a great idea - a Pink Breast Cancer Awareness specialty license plate. I cannot think of a better way to proudly display our support for women battling breast cancer and to remind all of us that early detection saves lives.”
Heather McCullough, of Discovery Bay, representing the “Survivor Sisters” said: “We are so happy that we were able to reach a compromise with the Senate and that we finally can share the exciting news with our more than 7,500 supporters who have stood by us for the past two years. Our dream is finally becoming a reality and as we have always said, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade….in our case we made Pink Lemonade!”
Now that the bill has been signed, the California Department of Health Care Services will work with the Department of Motor Vehicles to develop the pink ribbon plate. DMV must have at least 7,500 commitments to purchase the plate

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