Friday, September 26, 2014

Ren's Did You Know ? - Pomona Mall Streetlights

OK let's go back in time, the year was 1966, when Lytton Savings & Loan open their doors.
on the southwest corner of Second St. and Main St.
OK, I'm going to be jumping around here in history, so bare with me.
On another post, I thought it would be great, if they would install, one of the malls orginal streetlights, like you see in the picture. Just to give the mall, the look that it once had.
And as you can see, there is a few still around, to make this happen.
But hold on, it gets even better.
Well look no farther, here is one, still around, and looking great, just like back in the day, but today!.
Back when Lytton Savings & Loan was being built, they or the city, had one install in the park. I guess it was to coincide with the rest of the malls design.
Well I guess I can mark this one, off the bucket list.
One more thing, as a kid back then, I always thought they looked like the spaceship from
Lost in Space T.V. Show, back in the 1960's.


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