Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Trash Pickup after Holiday, just in case you didn't know
Trash Container Placement
All refuse containers must be placed out by 6:00 a.m. and removed from street or alleys within 12 hours after being emptied.
Trash, Recyclable and Greenwaste Container Placement
Two feet from curb two feet apart
Two feet from walls or fence
Five feet from vehicles
Away from low-hanging tree-limbs
Turn handle away from street
Additional Rental Containers are Available call (909) 620-2241.
Holiday Schedule for Trash Collection
Pomona’s Trash Collection observes six holidays during the year, which can change your normal collection day for trash, recycling and green waste, if the holidays fall Monday through Friday. These days are:New Year’s Day January 1 st
Memorial Day last Monday in May
Independence Day July 4 th
Labor Day first Monday in September
Thanksgiving Day fourth Thursday in November
Christmas Day December 25th
Holiday Pickup
If your regular pickup day falls after the holiday, your pickup will be delayed one day. For example: When a holiday falls on a Monday such as Memorial Day and Labor Day, trash will be removed the following day (i.e., Monday pickup moves to Tuesday, Tuesday pickup moves to Wednesday, etc.). For Thanksgiving, pickup is moved to Friday and Friday pickup is moved to Saturday.
For questions, please call Customer Service at (909) 620-2241 Monday through Thursday 7:30 am to 6:00 pm. City Hall is closed on Fridays.
Ren's Did You Know? - History of the Ball Drop in Times Square
When Adolph Ochs purchased the floundering New York Times in 1896, he made it his mission to make the newspaper the number one paper in all of New York. He started by forming the New York Times Company and made himself the majority owner, ensuring the financial health of the paper. Next, he lowered the price of a daily edition from three cents to one cent. Readership began to ascend. Then, he moved the entire staff into a new shiny building in the middle of Manhattan, to a place called Longacre Square, later renamed Times Square.
But Ochs was a man of fine tastes and big imagination. To celebrate the 1904 New Year and to show off the Times’ new digs, Ochs threw a lavish New Year’s celebration that was to be “the talk of the town.” He hosted an all-day street festival climaxing with a midnight fireworks display from the base of the Times building. Reportedly at midnight “the joyful sound of cheering, rattles and noisemakers from the over 200,000 attendees could be heard from as far away as Croton-on-Hudson, thirty miles north.” Despite the city later putting a kibosh on the fireworks display, the Times Square New Year’s Eve bash was born.
Even without fireworks, Ochs found a new way New Yorkers could celebrate the incoming new year in style and with glorious light. In 1907, Ochs commissioned the building of an electrically-lit ball to be lowered on the flagpole of the roof of One Times Square (the new name of the newspaper’s building). A “time ball” had been the suggestion of the newspaper’s head electrician, Walter Painer, who had seen one in use on top of the close-by Western Union building.
Time balls had been a favored way of broadcasting the time to sea travelers in the 19th century. The first one was built in 1829 by inventor Robert Wauchope. These soon became regular features in ports across the world. When the ball began its descent (1 pm in many parts of the world and noon in the US), people would set their clocks to match the ball. By the beginning of the 20th century, with the advent of radio and other more advanced technologies, the time ball became obsolete. In 1907, the time ball, while not completely considered archaic yet, was beginning to become something people just enjoyed watching.
Incandescent light bulbs were a relatively new invention, having just begun being mass-marketed to consumers around the turn of the twentieth century. The newness of this innovation appealed to Adolph Ochs and he fashioned his “New Year’s Eve Ball” with one hundred 25 watt light bulbs. The rest of the ball was made out of iron and wood. Though it was only five feet in diameter, it weighed nearly 700 pounds. Ochs had a young immigrant metalworker by the name of Jacob Starr, working for the sign company Artkraft Strauss, make the ball. Starr was also given the responsibility of lowering it at the specified time. On New Year’s Eve, 1907, at exactly the stroke of midnight, Starr lowered the ball signifying that it was 1908 and the beginning of a New Year’s tradition.
The ball’s construction over time, in many ways, mimicked the history of industry in the United States. In 1920, they would replace the original ball with one made solely out of iron, showing off the steel strength of America. The ball didn’t drop in 1942 and 1943 -the only time it didn’t drop in the last 110 years- due to wartime light restrictions and industrial production focused on the war efforts.
In 1955, the heavy iron ball was replaced by a much lighter aluminum ball weighing in at a shade over two hundred pounds. Rhinestones, strobe lights, and a computerized lighting system were added in 1995, signifying the age of ubiquitous computers.
The new millennium brought a new ball outfitted with 504 Waterford Crystals, 168 halogen bulbs, and spinning mirrors. The weight of the ball jumped from two hundred pounds to over 1,070 pounds.
Today, the ball is twelve feet in diameter, more than double its original 1907 size. The new ball weighs in at over five metric tons and features LEDs and computerized lighting patterns. It sits on top of One Times Square year-round for tourists and locals alike to marvel at, but it’s only on one day a year the we actually see the ball drop.
Bonus Facts:
- After his raucous New Year’s celebration in the square, Adolph Ochs petitioned the city to build a subway station to shuttle his employees right to the front steps of the Times building. They agreed and on April 8th, 1904, Mayor George B. McClellan Jr. officially renamed Longacre Square to Times Square, in honor of the very influential newspaper.
- New Year’s Eve 1907 was a huge affair and unlike any party the city had ever seen. In addition to a giant electrified lighted ball dropping on top of the Times Square building, waiters in Times Square’s “lobster palaces” (huge restaurants with large portions – think Cheesecake Factory today) were given battery powered top hats that had the numbers “1908” written in tiny light bulbs. When the clock hit midnight and the ball began its descent, the waiters “flipped their lids’ and 1908 lit up on top of their hats.
- Adolph Ochs fashioned the New York Times into a stoutly anti-Democratic publication. When William Jennings Bryan ran for President three times (1896, 1900, 1908), the Times opposed him all three times. Bryan was a fierce opponent to the theory of evolution (evidenced by him acting as the prosecuting council in the Scopes Monkey Trial) , as well as a proponent of Prohibition. In addition, Ochs himself was an early board member of the Anti-Defamation League and engaged in a years-long campaign against anti-semitism. He used his influence to call out and shame newspapers for caricaturing and encouraging unfair stereotypes against Jews in the American press.
Jan 18, 2015
05:00 AM - 02:00 PMPomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show
Location: Fairplex main lotGeorge Cross & Sons, Inc. presents the West Coast’s Largest Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show seven times per year. At each event, you will find hundreds of vendors in over 2,000 vendor spaces selling tons of hard to find car parts and accessories at low swap meet prices.
Thousands of original and restored classic vehicles will be on display and for sale in six specialized Car Corral sections: Pre 1985 Classics, any year Corvettes, any year Porsches, Pre 1959 Street Rods, Pre 1985 Volkswagens and Pre 1985 Imports.
Since 1975, millions of automotive enthusiasts have come to Pomona from across the nation and around the world to find car parts, accessories, automobilia, customs and classics. Make plans to participate in our next event! Come to buy, come to sell, come to look!
General admission is $10, children 12 and under are admitted FREE.
Parking is $10 at Gate 17 on Fairplex Dr.
For more information please call (714) 538-7091 or visit our website.
For Vendor information click here.
For Car Corral information click here.
2-year-old accidentally shoots, kills mom at Walmart in Hayden, Idaho
HAYDEN, Idaho --
A 2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother after he reached into her purse at a northern Idaho Walmart and her concealed gun fired, authorities said Tuesday.The 29-year-old woman was shopping with her son and three other children, Kootenai County sheriff's spokesman Stu Miller told The Associated Press. Her family had come to the area to visit relatives, he said.
The woman, whose identity was not released, had a concealed weapons permit. Miller said the young boy was left in a shopping cart, reached into the victim's purse and grabbed a small-caliber handgun, which discharged one time.
Deputies who responded to the Walmart found her dead, the sheriff's office said.
"It appears to be a pretty tragic accident," Miller said.
The woman's husband was not in the store when the shooting happened at about 10:20 a.m. Miller said the man arrived shortly after the shooting. All the children were taken to a relative's house.
The shooting occurred in the Walmart in Hayden, Idaho, a town about 40 miles northeast of Spokane, Washington. The store closed and was not expected to reopen until Wednesday morning.
Brooke Buchanan, a spokeswoman for Walmart, said in a statement the shooting was a "very sad and tragic accident."
"We are working closely with the local sheriff's department while they investigate what happened," Buchanan said.
There do not appear to be reliable national statistics about the number of accidental fatalities involving children handling guns.
In neighboring Washington state, a 3-year-old boy was seriously injured in November when he was accidentally shot in the face by a 4-year-old neighbor. The boy was wounded as the children played in a home in Lake Stevens, about 30 miles north of Seattle.
In April, a 2-year-old boy apparently shot and killed his 11-year-old sister while they and their siblings played with a gun inside a Philadelphia home. Authorities said the gun was believed to have been brought into the home by the mother's boyfriend.
Hayden is a politically conservative town of about 9,000 people just north of Coeur d'Alene, in Idaho's northern panhandle.
Idaho lawmakers passed legislation earlier this year allowing concealed weapons on the state's public college and university campuses.
Despite facing opposition from all eight of the state's university college presidents, lawmakers sided with gun rights advocates who said the law would better uphold the Second Amendment.
Under the law, gun holders are barred from bringing their weapons into dormitories or buildings that hold more than 1,000 people, such as stadiums or concert halls.
Metrolink offers train route to Rose Parade Thursday
A Metrolink train will run Thursday morning to accommodate riders wishing to go to Pasadena to watch the Tournament of Roses Parade.
The first train on Metrolink’s San Bernardino-Los Angeles line will operate on a modified Sunday schedule, leaving San Bernardino at 6;10 a.m., making all regular stops and reaching Los Angeles’s Union Station at 7:45 a.m.
Riders can then transfer at no additional charge to the Metro Gold Line and get off at the Del Mar, Memorial Park, Lake or Allen stations in Pasadena and walk a short distance to the parade route.
Metrolink will operate normal weekday service on Wednesday for New Year’s Eve, while regular service will resume on all lines Friday.
National Champagne Day is celebrated annually on December 31st. While true champagne only comes from France’s Champagne region, there is plenty of bubbly available from Italy, California and even the South of France. Ringing in the New Year is the perfect opportunity each year to celebrate National Champagne Day.MAKE UP YOUR MIND DAY
Make Up Your Mind Day is observed annually on December 31st.NO INTERRUPTIONS DAY
No Interruptions Day is observed annually on the last work day of the year. This is a day set aside for getting organized for the new year by cleaning up your workspace without interruptions. Turn off the phone, ignore your e-mails, close your door and enjoy the peace of no interruptions for a full day.
New Year’s Eve is celebrated annually on December 31st. Celebrate New Year’s Eve, safely, with family and friends in anticipation and hope for “peace, health and happiness” throughout the upcoming New Year, along with your own personal wishes. You may want to be at large celebration with lots of people, party hats and loud music or you may like to be at home by yourself, with a spouse, the kids, or with a friend or two, watching movies and eating popcorn, but either way can be a way to welcome in the New Year.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
If you made a gift recently, thank you!
Your support truly makes a difference in our community
Even if you are already a Member, please add to your support of Claremont Heritage with a tax-deductible end of year gift.
If you would like to be part of an active community based organization that does
make a difference that can be experienced on a daily basis.
Claremont Heritage is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization and your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Claremont Heritage is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization and your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
As we embark on a new adventure in 2015 we are excited about our theme for the year: COMMUNITY - which reflects our strategic plan and mission to advance, preserve and celebrate the historic architectural, natural and cultural resources of our community through collaboration, education and advocacy.
Please join us on this exciting journey!
Some of the exciting plans in place for 2015 include:
- Nomination of a number of significant architectural landmarks and districts to the National Register of Historic Places. These include several Millard Sheets designs such as the Garrison Theater (above) as well as the Intercultural Council Housing development in Arbol Verde.
- Continue to digitize our extensive archives and make them accessible to the general public
- Submit properties from the recent past (mid-century) to our local Register of Structures of Historic and Architectural Merit of the City of Claremont which will enable residents to take advantage of preservation tax incentives such as the Mills Act
- Completion of an hour long PBS documentary by filmmaker Paul Bockhorst entitled: Claremont Modern -The Convergence of Art + Architecture at Mid-century
- Start work on a book of the same title featuring the multitude of talent that created the "Claremont School" of art and design in post WWII Claremont
- Continue to collaborate with like-minded organizations
- Hold our annual Gala and Award Ceremony
- Hold our annual Home Tour Weekend
- Continue to administer the Third-grade Claremont History Program
- Continue to offer Educational Programming such as films, symposia and exhibitions and develop new programs around our new focus regarding the natural environment and sustainability
- Continue our walking tours and special "members only" events
We can not achieve any of this without your support - we depend on volunteers and donations to fulfill our mission and goals. Please consider how you might be a part of celebrating and preserving our history by partnering with Claremont Heritage in 2015. You CAN help make a difference in our community - We would be happy to show you how!
Best wishes to you and your family this holiday season,
David L. Shearer
Executive Director
PO Box 742 (mailing)
840 N Indian Hill Blvd (office)
Located in the Historic Garner House in Memorial Park
hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 PM
(909) 621-0848
HOLIDAY HOURS: Office Closed Dec. 24 - Jan 4
We will be checking email and telephone messages (909-621-0848) regularly
If you need something please don't hesitate to contact us!
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"TIPSY TOW" and you don't have to be a member
Statistics show that traffic-related fatalities increase significantly around the holidays. That’s why we have sponsored the Tipsy Tow program, which offers free rides to drivers who have been drinking. The service is available to non-members as well as members and can transport you and your vehicle up to seven miles from the point of pickup. This service is limited to certain dates and times around a few holidays (July 4th and New Year's Eve) check back on our website for details, or call (800) 400-4AAA [4222].
National Bicarbonate of Soda Day or Baking Soda day is observed annually each year on December 30th.According to, here are a few of the many uses for baking soda:
- Add baking soda to your bath water to relieve sunburned or itchy skin.
- Make a paste of baking soda and water, and apply to a burn or an insect bite for relief.
- Clean your refrigerator with a solution of one-teaspoon baking soda to one quart of warm water.
- Pour a cup of baking soda into the opening of your clogged drain and then add a cup of hot vinegar. After a few minutes, flush the drain with a quart of boiling water.
- To remove perspiration stains, make a thick paste of baking soda and water. Rub paste into the stain, let it sit for an hour, and then launder as usual.
- If you crave sweets, rinse your mouth with one-teaspoon baking soda dissolved in a glass of warm water. Don’t swallow the mixture; spit it out. Your craving should disappear instantly.
- Add a pinch of baking soda to boiled syrup to prevent it from crystallizing.
- To remove pesticides, dirt, and wax from fresh fruits and vegetables, wash them in a large bowl of cool water to which you’ve added two to three tablespoons of baking soda.
- Soak toothbrushes in baking soda and warm water overnight to clean bristles.
- Gasoline and oil odors can be removed by putting clothes in a trash bag with baking soda for a few days before washing them.
- Lay down barrier of baking soda under sink-pipe openings and along basement windows to keep carpenter ants, silverfish, and roaches from invading. Roaches eat the baking soda, dehydrate, and die.
- A light baking soda paste on a damp cloth will remove bugs and tar from cars without damaging the paint. Let paste sit for a few minutes before wiping and rinsing clean.
- To remove stains from your coffee and tea cups, wipe them with a damp sponge dipped in baking soda paste.
- Keep your rubber gloves dry and smelling good by sprinkling baking soda inside them. They’ll slip on more easily too!
- Sprinkling baking soda on your front steps will provide traction and melt the ice. Unlike rock salt, kitty litter, or sand, it won’t damage outdoor or indoor surfaces or shoes.
- Boil two inches of water in a pan with a burned bottom, turn off the heat, then add half a cup of baking soda. Let it sit overnight. In the morning it will be easy to clean.
- Sprinkle a teaspoon of baking soda on the bottom of your toaster oven to eliminate the burned smell from drippings and crumbs.
- A paste of baking soda removes red sauce stains from plastic.
Falling Needles Family Fest Day is celebrated annually 30th.This day is a reminder for those of us who enjoyed a live Christmas tree over the holidays to clean it up and recycle it.
Here is an excellent article if you are looking for ways to recycle your tree:
VA Medical Center Hosts Omnitrans Veterans Fare Kickoff
In appreciation of the men and women who have served in our nation’s armed forces, Omnitrans is honored to offer veterans a new discounted fare and bus passes beginning January 5, 2015.
The VA Loma Linda Healthcare System will host the "Omnitrans Veterans Fare Kickoff” event at the main entrance of the Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans Medical Center on Monday, January 5th, 2015, beginning at 2 PM.
For more information, please contact Wendy Williams of Omnitrans at (909) 379-7151, Jim Rich of VA Loma Linda Medical Center at (909) 583-6193 or visit
Monday, December 29, 2014
Pomona's Southside Historical Society - Lanterman Developmental Center in Pomona to close
I was just reading about Lanterman will be closing. Two things I'm worried about. the first one is this carousel. It would be a great lost to see this get torn down and not saved. I also included a few more picture of the carousel.
The second one is the Replica of Casa de Ramon Vejar built in 1855 - 1952. The original house sat 420 west of this replica. We need to start thinking about saving both of these historic items, it would be a great loss to the citizens of Pomona if we don't.
Scrappy Toys
This was my first Ptown that I made.
Gas station with gas pumps, train station with hand trolley, a school house and a two story family house.
Even a public outhouse with his and hers private laboratory's.
Again here is the two story house, school house and a meat locker, with rail to roll in the sides of beef in.
To the right there is a bar with swinging doors, a barn with horse with also includes a hayloft up top.
This was a few years ago, and all have been sold since. Maybe I'll get back into making a few more, someday.
Jan 11, 2015
11:00 AM - 04:00 PMGarden Railroad at Fairplex
Location: Fairplex campusVisit the amazing Garden Railroad the second Sunday of each month
11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
The popular G-gauge outdoor miniature railroad is located near the Fairplex Grandstand.
The trains journey through various eras of California history from the mid-1800s through the years.
Up to 23 different trains can operate at the same time over 8,000 feet of track on nearly an acre of landscape.
This is the oldest and largest public operating garden railroad in the United States.
The exhibit is open free of charge to the general public
Located near Gate 1 on McKinley Ave.
For more information visit the website
Jan 10, 2015 - 11, 2015
Reptile Super Show
Location: Expo Hall 4Welcome to the world's largest reptile show with rare & unique animals including lizards, turtles, frogs, supplies and more
Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
$14 adults and $9 for ages 12 & under
Parking at Blue Gate 9 on White Ave. at prevailing rates
Please leave your pets at home
Tickets are sold at the door
Visit for more information
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