Thursday, February 26, 2015

Pomona Concert Band plans its Winter Concert on March 6

POMONA >> The Pomona Concert Band will present its annual Winter Concert of solo and ensemble music, “Meet The Band,” on March 6 at the Palomares Park Community Center, 499 E. Arrow Highway, Pomona.
The 7:30 p.m. free concert is sponsored by the Pomona Community Services.
The concert will include musical arrangements that feature individual soloists and sections of the band. The color guard will be headed by Heriberto Feliciano, USAF (retired).
The band will feature the flute section in “Flutation” by Clare Grundman, the trumpet section in “Trumpets Wild” by Harold Walters, the clarinet section in “The Clarinet Polka” arranged by David Bennett, the trombones in “76 Trombones” by Meredith Willson and the French horns in “Holiday for Horns” arranged by Jack Jarrett.

Soloists for the evening include David Schaafsma playing “Requiem for a Tuba Player,” composed by Jorge Garcia. This piece will honor Lyle Lundstrom, one of the band’s loyal musicians, who passed away last year.
Lucas Critchfield will be perform “Flight of the Bumblebee,” arranged by Guy Lecour, on the xylophone. The band’s own “Elvis,” Tom Hill, who will treat the audience with”Heartbreak Hotel” and “Jailhouse Rock.” In addition, the band will play “Grand Chorus in Dialogue with Brass Choir,” by Eugčne Gigout, “Mississauga Spirit” march by Ty Watson and “Bandology” march by Eric Osterling.

The Pomona Concert Band is under the baton of Linda W. Taylor, conductor and musical director, and Dr. Jorge Garcia, assistant conductor. Band members come from Pomona and more than twenty surrounding communities to make music together. The Pomona Concert Band was founded by G. Stanton Selby in 1947 as part of a local Pomona American Legion Post. The Band has represented the City of Pomona in countless events and performances over the years, including tours of Europe and Japan in 1985 and 1988. The band will represent the city again on April 11 as it has been invited to perform at the Association of Concert Bands Convention in Sacramento.

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