Friday, March 20, 2015

Pomona's Southside Historical Society

Way back in the 1960's and on Garey Ave. Across the street from the old Freamont Jr. High School. There use to be this little eight sided building, that use to sell snacks to the kid's. Today where it use to sit, is an open field, now the pictures you see, is a building that sure looks like the one, that use to be on Garey Ave. The windows open up, like they did on the other building, for serving costumers. Now a long time ago, I talked... to the person, and they said it's been there since they can remember. Now a lot of times, instead of tearing down a building, they would just find a place for it, and move it And it looks like in this case, that's what happened here. It looks like it's being used for storage now. It would be nice if it was, a little bit of Pomona's History in our own backyard, way cool man.

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