Monday, August 31, 2015

August 31, 2015 – NATIONAL TRAIL MIX DAY


National Trail Mix Day - August 31

                                       NATIONAL TRAIL MIX DAY

 Observed annually on August 31, National Trail Mix Day honors the mix that was developed as a healthy snack to be taken along on hikes.
Trail mix is an ideal hike snack food because it is very lightweight, easy to store, nutritious and provides a quick energy boost from the carbohydrates in the dried fruits or granola as well as sustained energy from the fats in the nuts.
It is claimed by some that trail mix was invented in 1968 by two California surfers who blended peanuts and raisins together for an energy snack.  However, in the 1958 novel The Dharma Bums, written by Jack Kerouac’s, trail mix is mentioned when the two main characters describe the planned meals in preparation for their hiking trip.
Trail mix is sometimes referred to as “Gorp”.
You can make your own trail mix using your favorite ingredients.  Many varieties of trail mix are available in your favorite grocery or convenience store. Use #NationalTrailMixDay to post on social media.
Within our research, we were unable to find the creator of National Trail Mix Day, an “unofficial” national holiday.


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