Friday, March 11, 2016

Taking my four legged friend out for a walk

Taking my four legged friend out for a walkIF you like this video, please share with family and friendsIf you'd like to teach your cat to walk on a leash or teach other fun tricks, check out the tutorial section on my YouTube channel HERE (Consider subscribing)>'s -just for the video, I used the name "Molly" it's more of a dogs name than Didga, so when I whistle and call Molly, most people watching this video would be expecting to see a dog. Maybe "Rex" would have been better?Am I worried about dogs when out and about? Yes, but almost all dogs around the areas we go are on a leash, so it's easy to avoid them, however my cats don't mind dogs, Boomer walks right up to most of them. Im always on the lookout and if I see a dog off leash, If I see a potentially dangerous situation, I just pick up the cats or try to avoid dogs altogether. When you watch the tutorial on how to walk your cat on leash, I highly recommend every cat wear a harness. It's much safer and comfortable on a cat for walking. I use a regular collar but that's because I'm a professional and I'm much more dedicated and patient to the training process. I also have Didga who is very calm compared to most cats, she is less likely to run and hurt herself. Boomer is always on a harness

Posted by CATMANTOO on Thursday, December 24, 2015

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