Memorial Day, a United States Federal holiday, is observed each year on the last Monday in May. This day is in honor and remembrance of all men and woman who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
Memorial Day is also a day to remember all loved ones that have passed away.
Traditionally on Memorial Day, the flag of the United States of America is raised briskly to the top of the staff then solemnly lowered to the half-staff position where it remains until noon. At noon, it is then raised to full-staff for the remainder of the day.
When the flag is at half-staff, the position is in remembrance of the more than one million men and women who gave their lives for their country. Raising the flag at noon signifies the nation lives, that the country is resolved not to let their sacrifice be in vain but to rise up in their honor and continue to fight for liberty and justice for all.
Memorial Day is known to mark the beginning of summer.
For more information, visit the National Day Calendar page for Memorial Day.
National Mint Julep Day May 30
National Mint Julep Day is observed annually on May 30. Each year, people around the country gather for a glass of mint julep! This refreshing southern classic is a traditional drink of the Kentucky Derby.A classic mint julep is made with a mint leaf, bourbon, sugar and water. In the Southern states, where mint julep is more associated with the cuisine, spearmint is the mint of choice. Preparation of the drink may vary from one bartender to another.
- It is believed that the mint julep originated in the southern United States sometime during the 18th century.
- The term “julep” is generally defined as a sweet drink, particularly one used as a vehicle for medicine.
- During the 19th century, Americans also enjoyed a gin-based julep.
- Each year almost 120,000 mint juleps are served at Churchill Downs over the two-day period of the Kentucky Oaks and the Kentucky Derby.
- May 2008 – Churchill Downs unveiled the world’s largest mint julep glass (6-foot tall).
Enjoy a mint julep on this nice spring day! Use #MintJulepDay to post on social media.
Within our research, we were unable to find the creator of National Mint Julep Day.
National Loomis Day May 30
Loomis Day is observed annually across the nation on May 30. Washington, DC dentist, Mahlon Loomis, received US patent number 129,971 titled “An Improvement in Telegraphing” on wireless telegraphy in July of 1872.Born on July 21, 1826, Mahlon Loomis was a dentist, the inventor of artificial teeth and one of the earliest inventors of wireless communication. Loomis died on October 13, 1886.
Leading up to his patent, Loomis conducted many experiments in electricity using kites flying miles apart in the mountains of Virginia. Then in 1968 before several scientists and Congressmen, he demonstrated his wireless telegraphic system.
For more information, visit the National Day Calendar page for Loomis Day.
National Water a Flower Day May 30
Recognized each year on May 30 is National Water a Flower Day.This time of year, our flower gardens should be in full bloom. Be sure to keep them hydrated. Not just one, but all of them.
On National Water a Flower Day, it is also an opportunity to care for the gardens of those who may be homebound or in the hospital. The time to visit a friend who may need some cheering up by bringing them some freshly watered flowers.
Use #WaterAFlowerDay to post on social media.
Within our research, we were unable to find the origin of National Water a Flower Day.
National Hole In My Bucket Day May 30
May 30, of each year, National Hole in My Bucket Day is observed. This wacky holiday is in honor of the fun children’s song; There’s a Hole in My Bucket.The song which has origins in 1700 Germany, is about a back and forth conversation between Henry and Liza. Henry needs to fix his leaky bucket. In each stanza, Henry asks Liza for advice. In the end, he needs a bucket to carry water to repair his bucket.
Use #HoleInMyBucketDay to post on social media.
We were unable to find the origin of National Hole in My Bucket Day.
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