Thursday, March 16, 2017

Seventh - Day Adventist Church, showing some bad cracks, not good


When I go for my ride in the mornings, I go by our historic buildings to see how their doing. And then come home and post them on my blog, Well today I went by the Seventh - Day Adventist Church and seen this, not good. Through the years these cracks have gotton worse and now the plaster has fallen off. And also people come by and pick at the staing glass windows, like this one in the picture. We need to get the owners to put up a portable chane link fence to keep people from... doing any more damage. And I hope they don't take their time in fixing this, or this might be the next one to fall down. Where you see the cracks and bricks, thats the corner of the bell tower which there is a lot of weight on that corner of the building. It needs to be fixed, before the tower falls down. I'll keep you posted on other historic building that might need help. Like I said I check out the buildings to see what shape their in.

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