Saturday, November 11, 2017

Happy Veterans Day!

Veterans exemplify the best values of our country, and have earned the respect and thanks of a grateful nation. From me personally, thank you!
I wanted to make you aware of two programs that may be of interest to you or an honorably discharged veteran in your life:
  • A new Veterans Online Shopping Benefit allows you to sign up for tax-free, online shopping on select clothing, electronics, food and more at the online Exchange.
  • A program honoring California's veterans by allowing all who are honorably discharged to display a California's "veteran" designation on state driver licenses or identification cards.
  • More information is available on my website.
This year, I honored veterans from across the 52nd Assembly District at a ceremony in the State Capitol. If you know a great veteran who should be nominated for next year's awards, please call my office at (909) 902-9606.
Freddie Rodriguez
Assemblymember, 52nd District

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