Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Lincoln School Garden Committee Meeting 1/12, 3:00 p.m-Garden Workday 1/13, 9:00-1:00

Buenos dias! 

Tenemos una junta del Comite de Jardin el viernes, enero 12, a las 3:00 en la sala de profesores. Vamos a planificar clases del jardin para los estudiantes, la sala del jardin, y otras cosas.

El Sabado, enero 13, hay una jornada laboral a las 9:00 hasta 1:00. Todos los que vienen recibiran cafe, desayuno, plantas y vegetales. Tenemos plantas de kale para llevar a casa o plantar en el jardin!

Esta bien si quiere dejar a sus ninos en la manana y recogelos al final de la jornada laboral! 

Contactame por favor si quiere venir. Gracias!


Evan Green
Interno del Jardin Lincoln

Hello Lincoln Garden Community!

We have a Lincoln Garden Committee meeting coming up this Friday, January 12th, at 3:00 p.m. in the Lincoln teacher's lounge. We will be planning what we would like to do with the garden in the near future

Saturday, January 13th, will be a morning workday in the garden, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We have tons of veggie starts (baby plants) to plant in the garden or for people to take home. Anyone who attends will get some coffee, breakfast, produce, and plants to take home. 

It is fine if you would like to drop off your children and pick them up at the end of the workday!

Please email or text me back and let me know if you would like to attend so we get an idea of how many people will be at each event. 

We hope to see you there!



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