Saturday, February 10, 2018

Todays picks

Pictures of thee old lamp post, is my subject this morning, on W. Third St.

Another look at these lamp post. Even as a kid, I thought these look great. But I couldn't understand, why they were being removed. Well at least they kept these, there are a few more hidden, at this secret location. It would be cool, if we can get those, and install them, to look like, back in the day, years ago.
I think I hear, the Pomona Historical Society grinding their teeth, right now.
Ok I'll won't say anymore, but it would be nice. B^)

Well I seen old glory, so I thought I need to get a picture of our flag. I still see a lot of empty flagpoles, around Pomona.

Well I'll leave you all here for now, just trying to keep my mind busy, after losing Nikki.
And remember!
"You take care, and take care of those ones, you love".

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