Monday, March 23, 2020

Mayor's Statement on COVID-19

First, on behalf of myself and the entire City Council, we would like to thank healthcare workers, city staff, first responders, and others who are working hard to keep us safe. The Pomona City Council and I understand the strain and uncertainty that the COIVD-19 Pandemic and the associated social distancing restrictions have caused on everyone’s daily lives. However, it is paramount that we all virtually unite as a community and follow the dictates of public health and government officials – The lives of our most vulnerable populations are literally at stake. Now is not a time for cavalier behavior, as selfish individual decisions will only exacerbate the long-term negative impacts of this Pandemic on society as we know it. The emergency orders being issued across the Country are MANDATORY and in the interest of public health – they should not be taken lightly!
“Safer at Home” means just that… citizens can best assist in flattening the curve, by remaining in their homes and avoiding any non-essential activity. Households are encouraged to designate one individual to run essential errands to avoid unnecessary social contact. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus. Wash your hands often, avoid close contact with people who are sick, clean and disinfect, practice social distancing from others outside your household, and stay home as much as possible to protect your family, loved ones, and your community.
I understand that information and recommended measures to take during this pandemic are constantly evolving. For Pomona specific updates on the COVID-19 Pandemic, I encourage residents to follow the City’s social media outlets. Links to these and other resources can be found at the City’s dedicated COVID-19 Webpage linked here:
I call upon all Pomonans to be part of the solution by not adding to the problem. Please stay home and stay safe!!!

Tim Sandoval
City of Pomona

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