Friday, March 20, 2020

Statement about the County's COVID-19 Plan

This afternoon I participated in a press conference with LA County Supervisors Kathryn Barger and Hilda Solis and Miguel Santana of the Fairplex. We shared that the County has negotiated an arrangement with the Fairplex to take two important steps in response to the COVID-19 crisis. First, the Learning Center at the Fairplex will open its doors to provide childcare services for first responders who are protecting and caring for our community during this difficult time. This includes police, fire and EMT officials, as well as hospital staff. It is important that these individuals have safe and reliable childcare services to allow for them to focus on their duties and protect our community.
Second, the County is leasing the Sheraton Fairplex to house those who have been exposed to the virus and need to self-isolate. This facility allows 244 individuals to occupy individual rooms in a safe and secure location, where they can get the care and assistance they need with self-quarantine, while greatly reducing the risk of exposure to the broader community. This may include family members of individuals who have fallen ill with the virus, health care workers who have been exposed, or others who are putting themselves at risk in order to provide us for essential services. These individuals will be isolated in the Sheraton away from the public, with ample care and protection. The risk this poses to residents of Pomona is far less than if these individuals were circulating in our community.
I expect this will be the first of many of these facilities to emerge in our region in the coming days. We really have no option but to utilize every asset we have and work in unison with other communities as we fight this virus. As I shared at the press conference, when this is over we will be judged by how we treated those in need during this crisis. I’m proud that Pomona has resources to contribute to this fight, and I hope you will join me thanking those who are sacrificing to protect us, and in expressing compassion to those who need help.

Tim Sandoval
City of Pomona

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