Thursday, September 3, 2020

Pomona, we have 30 days to make sure our community is represented

Here is the response rate for Pomona as of today. We have some good news and some bad news, first the bad news. The percentage numbers we show here only reflect self response rate. As many of you may know there have been census takers canvassing or neighborhoods contacting those who have not responded. As they engage with residence and help them fill out their census those numbers are not reflected in the percentages we post here. Those numbers can be retrieved but they only reported as a California total. There is no breakdown by city.
The good news!!! This means that our total percentage is actually higher than reflected here. (By how much, I'm not sure) So let's keep hammering away at our self response rate and know that any additional contributions by the census takers will just be icing on the cake.

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