Monday, August 8, 2022

This is a Ptown County Fair Update, film at 11

Just wanted to give you all a little update.

Just finished the Popcorn Stand, same with the Taco Stand. And I made some towers for the Monorail to hang from, you can see them in this here picture.

Mayfair Hotel needs some work same with the Fox, weather takes a toll. I try to keep most of them in the basement when looks like rain. Then it a mad dash to put them away.

Another look at Ptown, lately I've been taking some old tracks and rebuilding with new ties. If you look close you can see some of my work. The ties are made of plastic and over the the years they become brittle and crack and need to be replace, I replaced them with wood ties. 

The Popcorn Stand I made the lid where I can store some things.

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