Thursday, July 18, 2013

Larry Mantle Talks the 710 Tunnel and Alternatives

The host of the local KPCC radio program "AirTalk" had a Metro representation and politicians from South Pasadena and Alhambra on Wednesday's program.

Larry Mantle, the host of the local KPCC radio station program "AirTalk" discussed the 710 tunnel extension on his Wednesday show and topics included construction impacts, traffic, tunnel alternatives and concerns over Valley Fever resulting from tunnel excavation.

Guest on the show were Doug Failing, executive officer of the Metro Highway Program, Steven Placido, mayor of Alhambra and Marina Khubesrian, mayor pro tem of South Pasadena.  Audio of the program can be found here.

The show also polled KPCC listeners on whether they favored the tunnel, alternatives or no build.  As of 10:45 a.m. Thursday, around 34 percent favored the tunnel, 20 percent favored no build, and the rest one of the public transit or traffic management alternatives.

The show comes at a time when the 710 has been in the news following an anti-710 July 4 in South Pasadena, a pro-710 event in Alhambra and upcoming public meetings to discuss the tunnel and alternatives.

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