Saturday, August 3, 2013

What Happened to My CBS Shows

A fight over programming fees between Time Warner Cable and CBS prompted Time Warner Friday to block broadcasts of CBS-owned and operated television stations KCBS and KCAL and its Showtime network.

A fight over programming fees between Time Warner Cable and CBS prompted Time Warner Friday to block broadcasts of CBS-owned and operated television stations KCBS and KCAL and its Showtime network.
At about 2:20 p.m., Time Warner stopped showing "The Doctors" on KCBS2 and an afternoon news broadcast on KCAL9

The shows were replaced by a written notice claiming that CBS was asking Time Warner for excessive fees to air its programming.
"CBS has demanded an outrageous increase for programming that CBS delivers free over the air and online, requiring us to remove their stations from your lineup while we continue to negotiate for fair and reasonable terms," the notice said. "We regret this inconvenience, but feel it is crucial that we we let CBS know that we're willing to do what it takes to keep down the price of TV."

Time Warner Public Relations Manager Bret Picciolo said in a written statement that CBS has been unreasonable during negotiations.
"We agreed to an extension on Tuesday morning with the expectation that we would engage in a meaningful negotiation with CBS," Picciolo said. "Since then, CBS has refused to have a productive discussion. It's become clear that no matter how much time we give them, they're not willing to come to reasonable terms."
CBS' corporate headquarters in New York City released a statement challenging Time Warner's claims.
"We deeply regret this ill-advised action, which is injurious not only to our many affected viewers, but also to Time Warner Cable itself," the statement said. "Throughout this process, Time Warner Cable has conducted negotiations in a combative and non-productive spirit, indulging pointless brinksmanship and distorted public positioning."
The statement derides Time Warner's decision to drop Showtime along with the television outlets, calling it "a move that is completely unnecessary and totally punitive to its subscribers."
Time Warner also has blocked Showtime and CBS-owned and operated TV stations in New York City and Dallas.
CBS President and CEO Leslie Moonves said in a recent statement to employees that the network is "resolute" in carving out a new deal that fairly compensates the network for the amount of viewership it attracts to Time Warner.

"CBS programs are among the most popular in the (television) industry, and yet there are many cable networks -- with considerably less viewership -- that receive more money for their programming from Time Warner than we do," Moonves said. "In fact, CBS is not even in the Top 10 recipients of the programming fees paid out by Time Warner Cable.
Moonves told employees that CBS was not making excessive demands that put Time Warner in a financial bind.
"It's not like Time Warner Cable doesn't have the money," Moonves said. "Cable is a very, very profitable business and Time Warner Cable can certainly afford to pay CBS a fair rate for our programming without passing any added cost on to its customers."
CBS officials contacted in New York City by City News Service would not reveal how much of a fee increase the network seeks, nor how much Time Warner was offering.
Time Warner officials were not available for immediate comment.
The media giants have been in negotiations for weeks over programming fees. As the talks stalled, Time Warner threatened to proceed with the blackout earlier this week, but the deadline was extended until Friday.
Time Warner also pulled the plug on The Movie Channel, FLIX and the Smithsonian channel, in Los Angeles, New York City and Dallas.
The channels were briefly blacked out on July 29, but the parties resumed negotiations.

A battle over programming fees between Time Warner Cable and CBS prompted Time Warner officials Friday to block broadcasts of CBS-owned television stations KCBS and KCAL and the Showtime network.
At about 2:20 p.m., Time Warner stopped showing "The Doctors" on KCBS2 and an afternoon news broadcast on KCAL9.
The shows were replaced by a written notice claiming that CBS was asking Time Warner for excessive fees to air its programming.

"CBS has demanded an outrageous increase for programming that CBS delivers free over the air and online, requiring us to remove their stations from your lineup while we continue to negotiate for fair and reasonable terms," the notice said. "We regret this inconvenience, but feel it is crucial that we we let CBS know that we're willing to do what it takes to keep down the price of TV."

Time Warner Public Relations Manager Bret Picciolo said in a written statement that CBS has been unreasonable during negotiations.
"We agreed to an extension on Tuesday morning with the expectation that we would engage in a meaningful negotiation with CBS," Picciolo said. "Since then, CBS has refused to have a productive discussion. It's become clear that no matter how much time we give them, they're not willing to come to reasonable terms."
CBS' corporate headquarters in New York City released a statement challenging Time Warner's claims.
"We deeply regret this ill-advised action, which is injurious not only to our many affected viewers, but also to Time Warner Cable itself," the statement said. "Throughout this process, Time Warner Cable has conducted negotiations in a combative and non-productive spirit, indulging pointless brinksmanship and distorted public positioning."
The statement also derides Time Warner's decision to drop Showtime along with the television outlet, calling it "a move that is completely unnecessary and totally punitive to its subscribers."
The media giants have been in negotiations for weeks over programming fees. As the talks stalled, Time Warner last weekend threatened to black out both TV stations and Showtime, but delayed the move until now.
Time Warner also pulled the plug on The Movie Channel, FLIX and the Smithsonian channel, in Los Angeles, New York City and Dallas.
The channels were briefly blacked out on July 29, but the parties resumed negotiations.

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