Monday, March 31, 2014

Ren's Wayback, Looking East from 2nd. cross street is Garey Ave. 1959 - 1962

Two things here I would like to point out to you, there in back ground is the old UP Train Depot. In which it  was torn down, so they can make First St. go all the way to Palomares St., as you know it today.
And the other is the Orange Belt Emporium which also was torn down, so they could put in a parking lot in it's place. And at the same time their building Garey Ave. Underpass.
Ren's Note: I know one place I like to see get torn down, it sits on Mission Blvd. They should tear it down and start all over again. I'm going to hold my tongue, but I think you all know what building I'm talking about.

Ren's Wayback 1962

These use to sit at every intersection on the Pomona Mall, to remind people that this is only for Pedestrians. I always wondered what happened to these, today if look you can still see the holes, in the ground that they use to use.
In the back ground is HOME SAVINGS BANK now it's CHASE BANK and Western U now occupy the building. 

Ren's Wayback ( no year )

         Located at Gibbs & Commercial Later became Pomona Pump Company 4425
         Ren's Note: By the look of the cars, I would say the late Twenty's. But also what
                             I wanted to point out to you is, this is also where their building those
                             new apartments on Monterey Ave. and Commercial St. This building
                             sits right where UNISTAR Company now sits, they deliver all sorts
                             meats to markets and small stores. At the bottom of the picture is
                             Gibbs St. running north and south, your looking east on Commercial St.
                             and Palomares St. is the next cross St.  

Ren's Wayback ( no year )

                 Alpha Beta Store "The Best For Less" Store No. 3 120 E. 2nd Started as Gerrards.

                 Ren's Note: Just to give you an ideal where this is located, it sat on the south side of
                                     of  2nd St. and right behind it is the Mayfair Hotel. Which is on the
                                     northeast corner of 3rd St. and Garey Ave. There is a parking lot now
                                     in it's place.

Happy Monday, just the thought makes me laugh.

This can't be good for my Lumbago.

Apr 02, 2014

04:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Prolong Twilight Cruise

Location: Fairplex lower administration lot
If it's the first Wednesday of the month, it's a Prolong Twilight Cruise night with  fun for all ages to enjoy hundreds of hot rods, classic cars and even a few vintage race cars on display. Experience music, food, fun and free admission to the historic Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum after 3 p.m. on cruise nights.
Free admission
Parking through Gate 1 on McKinley Ave.
Click for more information




Cheers Elephant, Esteman

Tue, April 1, 2014

7:00 pm

The Blue Room at The Glass House

Pomona, CA


This event is all ages


                    NATIONAL BUNSEN BURNER DAY

Do you remember high school chemistry class and how fun it was using the Bunsen burner?  Today is all about that great invention.
March 31st annually celebrates National Bunsen Burner Day honoring the birthday of German chemist Robert Wilhelm Eberhard von Bunsen.
Named after Robert Bunsen, a Bunsen burner is a common piece of laboratory equipment that produces a single open gas flame which is used for heating, sterilization, and combustion.  The gas can be either natural gas (mainly methane) or a liquefied petroleum gas, such as propane, butane or a mixture of the two.  The invention of the Bunsen burner opened up new opportunities for the use of natural gas.
Today they are used in high schools and laboratories around the world.
We were able to find the reason why March 31st was chosed to celebrate this holiday,  however our research was unable to find the creator of National Bunsen Burner Day, an “unofficial” national holiday.


National Tater Day is celebrated annually on March 31.  This day is set aside to celebrate the potato that is loved by almost everyone and provides us with essential vitamins, minerals and fiber.  There are numerous ways to fix and enjoy the potato……..
Baked – Boiled – Steamed – Roasted – Mashed – Fried – Grilled – Scalloped – French Fries – Cottage Fries – Hash Browns – In Stew – In Soup – Potato Salad – Potato Dumplings – Potato Pancakes – Any Way You Like Them!!
The origin of this day may have originally had a different meaning as at the beginning of April, each year, there is a celebration of the sweet potato (Tater Day), in part of Kentucky.  Sweet potatoes are one of the  main cash crops in that area.  Tater Day started way back in the early 1840′s with the trading and selling of sweet potatoes.  It is the oldest continuous trade day in the United States.
Worldwide, there are more than four thousand potato varieties. 
Since the time potatoes were shipped from Europe to the colonies in the early 17th century, their consumption has been a major part of the North American diet.
The origin of this day may be the Kentucky celebrated Tater Day, however our research was unable to find the creator of National Tater Day, an “unofficial” national holiday.


National Clams On The Half Shell Day is celebrated each year on March 31.  This food holiday is a day for the clam lovers to enjoy a special dish.
Our research has found that Clams On The Half Shell can be prepared in a variety of ways and there are many different recipes available. We did come across some interesting reading on a popular Eastern United States “Clams On The Half Shell dish”……
“Clams casino is a clam ”on the halfshell” dish with breadcrumbs and bacon. It originated in Rhode Island in the United States. It is often served as an appetizer in New England and is served in variations nationally.
According to legend, the recipe for clams casino was originally developed in 1917 in the Little Casino in Narragansett, Rhode Island, by a maître d’hôtel for a woman of means wanting something special for her guests.  Good Housekeeping Great American Classics attributes the dish to Mrs. Paran Stevens and maître d’hôtel Julius Keller.  She named the dish after the hotel, and word and popularity of the dish has since spread across the United States, including New Orleans, where oysters are substituted for clams. Clams casino remains a very popular dish in Rhode Island, “appearing on almost every menu”. (Wikipedia)

** The Giant Clam has a lifespan of over 100 years.**
Our research was unable to find the creator and the origin of National Clams On The Half Shell Day, an “unofficial” national holiday.


It is very important to protect yourself  by backing up all of your important files on your computers such as, your emails, photos, videos, projects, documents and etc.  March 31st is the day to do it.

For more info on this day – go to


A backup is a second copy of all your important files.  Instead of storing it all in one place (like your computer), you keep another copy of everything somewhere safe.

Arraignment Postponed for Woman Charged with 6 Counts of Murder in Wrong-Way Crash

Olivia Carolee Culbreath is charged with six counts of murder for allegedly causing a Feb. 9 wrong-way crash on the Pomona (60) Freeway in Diamond Bar.

Arraignment has been postponed to May 21 at 11 a.m. for Olivia Carolee Culbreath, who is charged with six counts of murder for allegedly causing a wrong-way, high-speed, head-on crash on the Pomona (60) Freeway in Diamond Bar.

This is the second time the arraignment was rescheduled.

The Feb. 9 crash happened about 4:45 a.m., while Culbreath was driving her 2013 Chevrolet Camaro at speeds approaching 100 mph, according to the California Highway Patrol.
Culbreath somehow got on the southbound Orange (57) Freeway going north, then transitioned to the westbound 60 going east, where the Camaro crashed head-on into a 1998 Ford Explorer north of Diamond Bar Boulevard, according to the CHP. A 2006 Ford Freestyle then slammed into the Explorer.
Culbreath's 24-year-old sister, Maya, and another passenger, Kristin Young, 21, of Chino, died in the crash, along with four people ejected from the Explorer. They were identified as Huntington Park residents Gregorio Mejia- Martinez, 47, Leticia Ibarra, 42, Jessica Mejia, 20, and Ester Delgado, 80.
Culbreath was taken to Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center in serious condition with a fractured femur and ruptured bladder, according to the CHP, and was treated in the hospital's jail ward before being moved to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
Culbreath faces a maximum life prison sentence if convicted of the murder charges.
She was booked on suspicion of drunken driving and manslaughter following the crash, but was not charged with either of those counts. However, the District Attorney's Office said the complaint could be amended.
"The CHP is still investigating and gathering information," District Attorney's Office spokeswoman Sarah Ardalani said.
Culbreath was convicted of driving under the influence on April 13, 2010, when she was 17, according to Department of Motor Vehicles records. She was stopped for two more violations before her license was reinstated in December 2011, according to the DMV, which lifted restrictions on her license just a week prior to the deadly crash.
Her sister Maya had multiple convictions for drunken driving and her license had been revoked, according to the DMV.
—City News Service

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ren's Wayback, Riverside Raceway 1987

Pomona T.V. Movie

To Much Fun

Porky what's up with Dee O Gee ?
All that walking at the Collectors Street Faire yesterday. But I think it was the pizza for dinner, that did him in.
He did eat a lot of pizza.
That's a shame.
Why is that Porky ?
That I just notice that slice of pepperoni on his lower lip.
Can't let a good piece of pepperoni go to waist.
You wouldn't.
To late, mmm, yummy.


Porky and Dee O Gees video pick


Cheers Elephant, Esteman

Tue, April 1, 2014

7:00 pm

The Blue Room at The Glass House

Pomona, CA


This event is all ages

Time to Renew Your Membership or Join Pomona Heritage for the first time!
   + Newsletter
   + Advance notification of special member programs
   + Membership discounts at local stores
See the Membership page for more information
Pomona Beautification Day
Saturday April 5, 2014
This is the 7th annual Pomona Beautification day! Each year about 1,000 Pomona residents sign up to take part in this citywide clean up. Teams and individuals are encouraged to sign-up to participate ahead of time. Dumpster are provided at select locations around the city to help our efforts.
Each year the Pomona Heritage board and members select an area in need and join forces on the day of the event to help beautify the city.  Write to Dan McIntyre, the president of Pomona Heritage to suggest a location


                             NATIONAL DOCTORS DAY

Saying “thank you” to our physicians, for all that they do for us and for our friends and families, will let them know that they are appreciated.  Today is the perfect day to extend this appreciation as it is National Doctors’ Day, which is celebrated annually on each March 30th.  This day was established to recognize physicians, their work, and their many contributions to society and the communities.
March 30, 1933 was the first observance of Doctors’ Day in Winder, Georgia.   Dr. Charles B. Almond’s wife, Eudora Brown Almond, wanted to have a day to honor physicians.  On this first day in 1933, greeting cards were mailed and flowers were placed on the graves of deceased doctors.  The red carnation is commonly used as the symbolic flower for National Doctors’ Day.
The first ether anesthetic for surgery was administered by Crawford W. Long, M.D. on March 30, 1842, marking the date for Doctors Day.  On that day, before Dr. Long operated to remove a tumor from a man’s neck, he administered ether anesthesia.   Following surgery, the man would swear that he felt nothing during the surgery and was not aware of anything until he awoke.
“On March 30, 1958, a Resolution Commemorating Doctors’ Day was adopted by the United States House of Representatives. In 1990, legislation was introduced in the House and Senate to establish a National Doctors’ Day. Following overwhelming approval by the United States Senate and the House of Representatives, on October 30, 1990, President George Bush signed S.J. RES. #366 (which became Public Law 101-473) designating March 30, 1991 as “National Doctors’ Day.” ” (Wikipedia)
Doctors perform vital diagnosis, treatment and care 365 days per year, today is the day to honor them.
THE HISTORY OF NATIONAL DOCTORS’ DAY IS DISCUSSED IN THE ARTICLE ABOVE.  This day is an “unofficial” national holiday.
For more information, see:


A nice long leisurely walk through the park can be very calming and therapeutic, which is a perfect way to relax after a long busy day. March 30th annually celebrates National Take A Walk In The Park Day.
Taking walks at a local park is definitely a good way to clear one’s mind from the stresses of the day, re-energizing yourself and at the same time helping to improve your health.
It may be a good idea to take your camera with you during your walk as parks offer many of the beauty’s of nature.  There is the possibility of capturing some great photographs of birds or other wildlife, flowers, budding trees, clouds or the sunset.
Today, on National Take A Walk In The Park Day, call a friend (or walk alone if you like), find a walking trail in a park near you, relax, walk and enjoy nature’s beauty and being outside.
Our research was unable to find the creator and the origin of National Take A Walk In The Park Day, an “unofficial” national holiday.


National I Am In Control Day is celebrated each year on March 30th.  Secretary of State, Alexander Haig’s words “I am in control here” have never been forgotten:  ”In 1981, following the March 30 assassination attempt on Reagan, Haig asserted before reporters “I am in control here” as a result of Reagan’s hospitalization, indicating that, while President Reagan had not “transfer[red] the helm”, Haig was in fact directing White House Crisis Management until Vice President Bush arrived in Washington to assume that role.” (Wikipedia)
Sources believe that this was the beginning of National I Am In Control Day.  This day has evolved and taken on a different context.  It is a day to get things under control in your life on a day to day basis, beginning today.
There are ways to help the “out of control” feeling.  One way to begin is to take a break for a minute and evaluate your situations.
Then you may want to:
  • Start using a daily planner
  • De-clutter
  • Make lists
  • Tackle one project at a time
  • Learn organizational skills
  • Ask for help
  • Talk with someone
  • Feel confident with your decisions
 ___ ___  ___ ___
Today on National I Am In Control Day,  begin the steps that are needed, for you to feel comfortably in control of the things, that you can be, in your life.
Our research was unable to find the creator of this day, an “unofficial” national holiday.


Each year on March 30, it is National Pencil Day.  Hymen Lipman received the first patent for attaching an eraser to the end of a pencil on this day in 1858.
The majority of pencils made in the United States are painted yellow.  It is believed that this tradition began in 1890 when the L & C Hardtmuth Company of Austria-Hungary introduced their Koh-I-Noor brand, named after the famous diamond.  This pencil was intended to be the world’s best and most expensive pencil.  Other companies then began to copy the yellow color so that their pencils would be associated with the high quality brand.
Notable pencil users (Wikipedia)
  •  Thomas Edison had his pencils specially made by Eagle Pencil. Each pencil was three inches long, was thicker than standard pencils and had softer graphite than was normally available.
  • Vladimir Nabokov rewrote everything he had ever published, usually several times, by pencil.
  • John Steinbeck was an obsessive pencil user and is said to have used as many as 60 a day. His novel East of Eden took more than 300 pencils to write.
  • Vincent van Gogh used only Faber pencils as they were “superior to Carpenters pencils, a capital black and most agreeable”.
  • Johnny Carson regularly played with pencils at his Tonight Show desk. These pencils were specially made with erasers at both ends to avoid on-set accidents.
  • Roald Dahl used only pencils with yellow casing to write his books. He had 6 sharpened pencils ready at the beginning of each day and only when all 6 pencils became unusable did he resharpen them.
Happy National Pencil Day!
Our research was unable to find the creator of National Pencil Day, an “unofficial” National holiday.


March 30, celebrates a food holiday.  It is National Turkey Neck Soup Day.    A flavorful soup made in a homemade stock, which is made by slow simmering the turkey neck, is the star of this day.
Try one of the following “tried and true” recipes for Turkey Neck Soup:

State Senate Votes to Suspend 3 Members

Senators Ron Calderon, Roderick Wright and Leland Yee were all suspended Friday.
The state Senate voted Friday to suspend three of its members, including Sens. Roderick Wright, D-Inglewood, and Ron Calderon, D- Montebello, both of whom are facing legal troubles. Gov. Jerry Brown, meanwhile, called on all three senators to step down.
"Given the extraordinary circumstances of these cases -- and today's unprecedented suspensions -- the best way to restore public confidence is for these senators to resign," Brown said.
Wright had previously taken an indefinite leave of absence from the Senate while he awaits sentencing on five counts of voter fraud, two counts of perjury and one count of filing a false declaration of candidacy. He faces up to eight years and four months behind bars, with sentencing set for May 16.
Prosecutors said he lied about living in Inglewood, using a property there as a prop while he actually lived in Baldwin Hills.
Calderon is facing federal charges of accepting more than $100,000 in cash bribes, as well as plane trips and dinners, in exchange for supporting legislation. Calderon is charged in a 24-count indictment with federal mail fraud, wire fraud, honest services fraud, bribery, conspiracy to commit money laundering, money laundering and aiding in the filing of false tax returns.
Calderon's 59-year-old brother, Tom, is charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering and seven counts of money laundering for allegedly funneling bribe money through a nonprofit group and consulting company he operates.
The Senate also voted to suspend Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, who was arrested this week in connection with federal charges of corruption and conspiracy to take part in a gun-running operation.
The Senate voted 28-1 to suspend all three, who will continue to collect their salaries but will not be able to cast any votes in the Senate.
"The actions taken by the Senate today also send a clear signal to lawmakers and staff that nobody is above the law," Sen. Bob Huff, R-Diamond Bar, said. "The examples of public corruption that have come to light in recent raids by the FBI will not be tolerated. The public has a right to be concerned about these shocking allegations and actions taken by the Senate today are justified."
Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Pacoima, said the Senate made the right move.
"While every citizen is entitled to due process in this country, the charges described suggest a complete disregard for the law, ethics and public safety and certainly have no place in our government," Padilla said.
—City News Service

Statewide Sting Nets Almost a Dozen Contractors in L.A. County

More than 120 unlicensed contractors were arrested this week, including nearly a dozen in Los Angeles County, as part of a statewide sting, officials announced Friday.
Six people were arrested in Rancho Palos Verdes, including a repeat offender with an arrest warrant for failing to appear in court on a previous charge of contracting without a license. The contractor had bid $48,000 to build a driveway, according to the Contractors State License Board.
Fraud investigators posed as homeowners seeking bids on home improvements in nine areas across the state, starting Tuesday, according to the CSLB.
Of the 121 people arrested, 115 may face misdemeanor charges for contracting without a license, which carries a penalty of up to six months in jail or a fine up to $5,000, the CSLB reported.
"We would just encourage consumers to be very careful when you are to hire people to come out to your house to do a job," said Rick Lopes of the CSLB. "The best thing you can do is to make sure they have a contractors license."
Others craftsmen are accused of charging an excessive down payment. Nineteen crews were issued stop orders, because they had no workers' compensation insurance, the CSLB reported.
"If you have an illegal worker out there ... your insurance is not going to cover it,"' Lopes said, adding that homeowners could be made to pay the medical bills of anyone injured on their land.    
In Sacramento, Martin Villegas of North Highlands is accused of showing up two days in a row without a contracting license for landscaping work.
"We want those kind of unlicensed people to know we are out there. We conduct these operations every week and we might not catch you today, but we're going to catch you next week or the week after," Lopes said.
—City News Service

Saturday, March 29, 2014



Today, March 29, celebrates National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day.  This day honors all small business owners.
Small businesses are a vital part of the United States economy.  These businesses are not always appreciated, as they should be, for the vital role that they play.  Today we can show them their much deserved appreciation.
Owning your own business is a goal that many people strive for.  It takes long hours, hard work and much dedication.   Countless hours of nurturing  the business are needed, in the process of growing the business, while following the owners desire of reaching their goal in having  a successful business venture.
Some of these businesses are handed down from one generation to the next while others are new start-ups.  In the “Mom and Pop” businesses, besides the love for the business that the owner has, the personal service, to the customer, is unmatched.
 According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, there are more than 27 million small businesses in the United States
To celebrate, support the privately owned, small  businesses in your communities.
Our research was unable to find the origin and the creator of National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day, an “unofficial” national holiday.

Today is a food holiday celebrating the lemon chiffon cake.  Lemon Chiffon Cake Day is celebrated annually on March 29th.
For a nice refreshing spring dessert, chiffon cake is a very light cake made with vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, and flavorings.  A fluffy texture is made by beating egg whites until stiff and folding them into the cake batter before baking.  Chiffon cakes tend to be lower in saturated fat than butter cakes, potentially making them healthier than their butter-heavy counterparts.
“The chiffon cake was invented in 1927 by Harry Baker, a California insurance salesman turned caterer. Baker kept the recipe secret for 20 years until he sold it to General Mills. At this point the name was changed to “chiffon cake” and a set of 14 recipes and variations was released to the public in a Betty Crocker pamphlet published in 1948.” (Wikipedia)

Today would be a good day to find a recipe, that you love,  for Lemon Chiffon Cake and bake up a delicious dessert to enjoy.
And here to help you get started is a few “tried and true” cake recipes:

5.3 Magnitude Earthquake Rocks Southern California

The US Geological Survey reported a 5.3 magnitude earthquake in the greater Los Angeles area Friday at 9:09 p.m. The quake's epicenter was 1 mile east of La Habra.

The quake was felt in at least four Southern California counties—
Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and Ventura.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Our Video of the Month

Soroptimists seek scholarship applicants

Soroptimist International Chino Hills / Inland Empire is accepting applications for its high school scholarships for all female senior students who reside in Chino Hills. Candidates should see their high school counselor, or contact Therese Lyons, at or 909-973-4766, or Evelyn Anleu-Yates at or 909-539-3567. Copies of this application can be downloaded by visiting us on Facebook at SI Chino Hills or

McDonald’s offering free coffee amid breakfast war

NEW YORK — McDonald’s is giving away free coffee to its customers for a limited time as competition for the breakfast crowd intensifies.
The world’s biggest hamburger chain announced Friday that participating U.S. locations will offer free small McCafe coffees during breakfast hours from March 31 through April 13.
The announcement comes as Taco Bell rolls out ads to promote its new breakfast menu, which includes a waffle taco. The ads star everyday men that happen to be named Ronald McDonald.
Chains like McDonald’s, Taco Bell and Starbucks — which recently revamped its sandwiches — are all fighting for a piece of the breakfast market because people are increasingly buying breakfast on the go.

McDonald’s Corp.’s McCafe product line, which also includes iced coffees and other drinks, debuted in the U.S. in 2009.

Pomona T.V. Movie

Foothill Extension E-News 
March 28, 2014
Construction on the Pasadena to Azusa segment of the Foothill Gold Line continues to be at the most active pace of the project, with many visible activities taking place throughout the alignment.
Three of the six stations now have their canopy structures: Arcadia, Monrovia and Duarte. Soon, these stations will be transformed, as they quickly go from skeletal to completed. As you can see from the photos below, some of the stations will have one center platform, while others will have two side platforms. Each will have unique colors and materials, as well as custom artwork currently being designed and fabricated throughout the region and the country.

Canopy structure at the Arcadia Station, which is a center platform.

Canopy structure at the Monrovia Station, which will have two side platforms.
All of the six future stations will have parking, and work is underway on four of the parking structures: Arcadia, Monrovia, Irwindale, and APU/Citrus College station. Foundations for the Overhead Catenary System are more than halfway installed, and the first few traction power substations (which will deliver power to the overhead wires that provide electricity to the light rail trains) have been installed in Duarte and Azusa. Miles of retaining and sound walls are now built; and track, ballast, rail and ties are being installed in many sections of the 11.5-mile corridor.

Rail is being pulled along the right-of-way in Duarte.

Crews are completing light rail track installation at the Myrtle Ave grade crossing in Monrovia.

At the Gold Line Operations Campus, segments of rail are welded together.

A ballast regulator at work across from the City of Hope in Duarte.

Crews installing the traction power substation in Azusa near Virginia Ave.
It is starting to look like a light rail line!
Find Out More in Latest Quarterly Newsletter
The Construction Authority recently released its first newsletter for 2014, and readers can click the link below to download, print and read the latest in-depth information on the station platforms, station art, safety and grade crossing improvements.
Azusa to Montclair Update:
Proposals were submitted this month by engineering and design teams interested in participating in the advanced conceptual engineering for the Azusa to Montclair segment. The work will take about two years to complete, and make the 12.3-mile segment "shovel ready" for a design-build procurement.

The Construction Authority board will consider awarding a contract next month. This design phase is funded by residual Measure R funds, left over from the Pasadena to Azusa segment.

Later this year, the Construction Authority will again be out in the corridor cities from Azusa to Montclair to meet with the community to discuss the project. We will keep you posted about upcoming meetings.
Have you checked your map lately? Learn the latest about construction in your community!

Other Easy Ways to Stay Updated:     
Community Resources Available:

400 N. Santa Anita Ave, Suite 101-B, Arcadia, CA 91006 
(Northeast corner of Santa Anita Ave and La Porte St)  
Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays ONLY:  8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
406 E. Huntington Dr, Suite 202, Monrovia, CA 91016 
(Construction Authority Offices) 
Hours: Mondays through Friday:  8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
1300 W. Optical Dr, Suite 500, Azusa, CA 91702 
Hours: Mondays through Friday:  8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 



Tractor and Car Show, Saturday May 10, 2014

Tractor and Car Show and Strawberry Festival, Saturday, May 12, 2012, 10am-3pm

The Cal Poly Pomona FARM STORE
Presents the 8th Annual

Joins us Saturday, May 10 for a Tractor and Car Show, Berry picking, Tractor Rides, Petting Zoo, Antique Equipment display, Live Music, Trophies, and so MUCH more!
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Car and Tractor enthusiasts are invited to register their vehicles for the 8th Annual Tractor and Car Show. We accept Customs, Antiques, Classics, Muscle, Street Rods, Special Interest, Motorcycles, and (our newest category) Tractors. To register your vehicle you must complete and sign the Vehicle Registration Form and Release Form. Event t-shirts will be given to all registrants who turn in registration forms with a postmark date of April 27 or earlier. For registration questions please contact Brenda Orozco at (909) 869-6722 or
Berry picking starts at 11:00 am and runs until the berries are gone. If you miss it, we will have plenty of delicious pre-picked strawberries for sale. Food vendors at the festival will including The Habit, Danny's Dogs, Sno Pros, Old Towne Baking Company and more!
Don't forget! Sunday, May 11 is Mother's Day. The Farm Store can put together a custom gift basket that any mom would love! We have other gift ideas too.
The Farm Store is open daily 10am-6pm.
The Tractor and Car Show/Strawberry Festival runs from 10am-4pm.

Event Parking: $3 per vehicle
Admission: FREE
Click here for driving directions.

CicLAvia - April 6, 2014

CicLAvia is 7 miles of car-free streets filled with art, performances, music and interactive activities to entertain and engage participants of all ages. Food trucks, restaurants and neighborhood watering holes will be providing food and beverages for the event.
Wear comfortable walking shoes or bring your bike to explore diverse neighborhoods, visit cultural icons, see unique architecture and dine at food trucks, restaurants and local favorites! The event will occur on April 6, 2014 from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.  For more information, visit

Metrolink Bike Cars

Metrolink will have two Bike Cars on select Antelope Valley, San Bernardino, Orange County Line trains. The trains with two Bike Cars are listed in the schedule below. These Bike Cars are designed to hold 18 bikes each and space will be limited to a first-come, first-serve basis. All other Metrolink coach cars can hold three bicycles. For more information about Metrolink Bike Cars, click here.

CicLAvia Limited Capacity

Metrolink Bike Cars are in high demand across the Metrolink system as more cyclists continue to take the train. Due to the high demands across Metrolink’s system, there will only be two Bike Cars on select trains servicing CicLAvia. If the train cannot accommodate any additional bikes, you will be asked to take the next train or find alternative means of transportation to CicLAvia. 


Antelope Valley Line260, 262, 267, 269

San Bernardino Line351, 357, 364, 366

Orange County Line661, 666
*NOTE* Historically, Metrolink has experienced record bike ridership on CicLAvia weekend. Make sure to arrive at the station early.

The conductor has the right to ask bikers to relocate to another passenger car or wait for the next train.

Getting There

Take Metrolink to L.A. Union Station and from there take the Metro Red or Purple Line to 7th Street/Metro Center Station. Metrolink tickets allow for a free transfer to the Metro Rail system. 
To view the Metro Rail system, go to under “Riding Metro.”

Special $10 Weekend Day Pass

Metrolink is offering a Weekend Day Pass for only $10. This pass allows a passenger to ride anytime, anywhere systemwide on either Saturday or Sunday. The Weekend Day Pass includes free connections to most rail or bus lines throughout Southern California.