Friday, June 12, 2015

Drought Watering Rules


The State of California has declared a drought emergency and is requiring Pomona to reduce water use by 20%.  We need your help to make that happen.  Part of that help is to think differently about our daily water use, such as sacrificing green lawns and other water luxuries such as a long shower.  Pomona has called for a Level 2 Water Shortage response that requires a 20% reduction from all customers, limits watering days, and implements other rules, as follows:

Outdoor Watering Schedules - Level 2 Water Shortage (in effect until further notice):
April - October (Only water 2 days per week)                     November – March (Only water 1 day per week)
Odd Address - Monday and Thursday                                     Odd Address - Thursday
Even Address - Tuesday and Friday                                        Even Address - Tuesday
  • Fix leaks, breaks, or problems with your water system within 48 hours
  • Water outdoors only on your assigned day (Tip – up to 15 minutes in 3 to 5 minute increments)
  • Adjust sprinklers and irrigation timers to prevent overspray and runoff from property
  • Turn off sprinklers within 48 hours of significant rainfall
  • Use a broom to clean sidewalks, patios, and driveways
  • If you wash your own vehicle, use a bucket or a hose with a shut-off nozzle or
  • Water between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
  • Water outdoor landscapes in a manner that causes excess runoff
  • Water outdoors within 48 hours of a rainfall event
  • Wash a vehicle with a hose, unless the hose is fitted with a shut-off nozzle
  • Refill ornamental pond - only exception is to sustain valuable aquatic life
  • Fill any new pool or outdoor spa without authorization
  • Re-fill existing pools and outdoor spas more than one (1) foot per week
  • Operate a fountain or decorative water feature, unless the water is a recirculating system
  • Wash down sidewalks and driveways (except for health and safety reasons)

Failure to follow these rules could result in fines up to $500 per occurrence.

Water Watcher 24 Hour Reporting Line 909-620-2244

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